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    Friday, April 16, 2010


    I went online and realised that i actually blocked alot of ppl. I should just delete them since i don't plan to unblock anyw, but i'm just too lazy! :D

    Anyway, this week was a little bit more interesting than the last. I discovered a number of things that made my jaw drop... Though its worthy of gossiping about i shan't reveal anything, i'll respect other's privacy! Do to others what you want others to do unto yourself :D My birthday is coming in less than a month, so excited! Plus its on a holiday!!! I don't dare to hope for anything lest i be disappointed (this is not a hint even though it can be taken as one)

    Its rather nice to note that some people don't really change wholely, they still call you alien like they did eons ago, they still laugh with that unique tone, they still are seen texting 24/7. Its probably these things that are most memorable and that makes u love them for who they are.

    Joey asked me today: ' When you feel yourself upset or changed in a negative way, do you blame it on the people around you or the situation you're in? ' I believe its interlinked. Change is inevitable, after all. We can't blame others for change, nor can we blame the situations we're being placed in, neither can we put the blame entirely on our selves. So i guess we just can accept and deal with those unhappiness and change, just take it in our stride! Good night. God Bless:D

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