Twitter tweet tweet
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Hahah, must be lack of slp, due to nightcycle and only 1hr+ slp ):
First part of night cycle started from 10.30pm, Jasmine brought us to her house to take thing, FUN MAN! Chiong-ed thr, but had some problems.
Anyw, raced back to help to clean up, reached but only Yiting was thr. So we ate the leftovers, thn played with fire! Wahahha! Luckily we not going to slp, if not we would pee in our bed! Hahahah!
1.30am, Second part of night cycle was to Pasir Ris park! :D Heheheh! They were scared la, but I didn't find it scary at all lo.
We made super much noise! Kept shouting HI BYE to random ppl we passed. Ahahaha!
Thn we went around Pasir Ris. Met this fking guailan 7-11 cashiers -'- Zzz shall not talk about it. Went lan around 3/4+am? For an hour or so. HAhahahah played audi with Tien(cedarwood) Adel(Adelx3) and Cassie(?) Zzz played stupid beatup thn got pwned by cassie -'- Hahhaha fk u!
Went back to park to watch sunrise zzzz was fking boring lo! Gave up when we only saw a small little part of the sun so damn long plus we slpy alr!
Cycled back bathed got 1hr+ time of rest WOOHOO!!!!:D Heheh, had breakfast thn back to take our stuff OFF TO WWW!!!!!:D Hehehhe, happy! FUN!
We sliding ard and playing lalalla forgot the ride names but anyw it was fking fun k(esp the U shape thingy scary but thrilling). Suntanned at the river thr ahhaha we looked so damn obscene lor! Cleaned up aft playing for 5hr+ thn went to the lan get bck pingpong's ezlink!
P/s: Huitien loves to kiss banana:D
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sweetheart Akiyo<3
I cpl with some asshole guy then like 1hr ltr break liao. -'- I know lah, I very rich, but then also no need waste my dens like that mah cb. He too free, cpl liao want find fight -_- Make me super angry lah! Is like, audi cpl, must stead rl meh? Cpl only for fun only mah Zzz Why so serious? I no time, thn one day cannot audi only then he kpkb liao. Like some woman. !#$%^& Ahahah but then luckily the shorty Jeremy come then I disturb him until damn funny. But Grace want me to leave her alone ): JEREMY SHORTY SUCK BALL!!!!!!!! :D
P/s: I'm starting to have friends in audi again!
Pp/s: Drowning in homework T_T
Ahahaha I just finished packing my study box. And funny things I found in it :
1) A packet of detergent
2) Ikea furniture catalogue
3) Pads
4) Chargers(2)
5) 2pairs of socks
Hahahhaha!!!! Idk how those funny stuff got thr man, it's supposed to be only for books! Ahahha! Spent one stupid hr clearing it -_-
Friday, December 26, 2008
Done with my Art holiday homework Whee I'm so glad! :) Anyw off to play games now..
Ahahahah! :) Left with a little bit of Chi hw and half of the Caren Lai blahblah and Geog and English! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
P/s : You are a fking bastard I know this is totally not a misunderstanding urgh I'm lucky I made that move. Saved me from a heartbreak.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Hohoho :)
Hihihihi everyone Elaine is in a superb mood :D:D:D
Hehehehhe! Mummy bought me a new school bag :D:D:D So pretty!
Somemore is the same as Nicole's, except mine's white and her's black!
Andandand I seriously need to lose weight man. Hols make me fatfatfat. :(
Plus plus plus I gotta chiong all my hw and finish by 29th, if not no chalet/bbq for meeee ;(
Sickening. I am lazy!
P/s : My audi lvl 20 liao! Ahahhahaha! Yahlah I know I damn pro :P Ahahahaha kiddin.
Thanks Jovi luv for hlping me do my lic! <3<3<3
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Number one : I finished Breaking Dawn alr! :D Means my ' vampire romance ' craze should be over soon.
Number two : I forgot my Cbox user and password, totally forgot. So I thought I was going to lose the whole acc, but I found it ^-^
Anyw, I'm seriously seriously seriously going to miss hols. The fun of having training almost everyday now, but when sch reopens its gonna become the dread of having classes almost everyday. :( I hate sch.
Merry xmas a few hrs in advance people!
To passerby :
Ahhaha you are getting entertaining. Anyw the monkey at my profile is supposed to be cute fyi! And I'm the one who's nicknamed Monkey. Ahahaha. You're so nice to keep coming back to visit and tag me ^-^
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Reply : Ppl like me, what kind of a person am I to you ? No actually I don't agree, that isn't the best choice. If you dislike me or think I'm a stupid person, why don't you use your name and then I'll know that you dislike me and maybe I'll even try to be nicer to you! Isn't that a nice thought... Maybe we'll even become good friends!
Whatever happened to the ' love always ' that you always promised? Hah, it just shows that there's nth such as 'forever'. Remember when you always ask me ' u believe me ? ' I'll reply ' I always believe you ' I really meant it you know. But too bad you moved on huh? Jtb. And to tell the truth, I kind of miss you. Even now when you probably don't give a shit about what I'm doing now, when in the past you'll always sms me : wad u doing now ? hah, guysguysguys. It's either yes I'll be your gf or no don't even think about being friends I'll just move on to other girls you're nth to me.
Informal post :D
Because we have come to a conclusion : Joey has better vocab and creativity and my tenses and grammar is better! :)
And btw, to passerby: stupid ppl do stupid things and they always have a stupid mind.Whats the point of comparing? "no cure" :
I agree with you, actually there is no point of comparing, we just like the fun and challenge of it. So what's it to you? And yeah stupid people do stupid things as they have a stupid mind. Putting your name as ' passerby ' is indeed a stupid thing to do. So... I guess you were just introducing yourself at the start of the tag right? Ahahahah. Thanks for the intro! :)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Wordy post.
Anyway, today was really a truely unpleasant day for me. Before I went for training , I went to the bakery to buy bread 'cause I really felt like eating even though I wasn't really hungry or anything. By the time training started, I had already polished them all off! Plus, coach had gone out to buy us more bread and some coffee cream puffs as some of us were hungry, and I had some of it too! Gosh, I think I really had alot. I just kept eating and eating and eating even though I wasn't hungry. At this rate I'm going with the food intake, my weight's going to soar. Okay, back to the topic on training. I have no idea why I can't spike. I know that surely it has got something to do with the timing and my hand-leg co-ordination, but I don't know how to improve on it and get it right! I'm starting to feel tired of not being able to jump up and spike well, it's like I keep trying and trying and trying but nothing gets better! I can't see my own mistakes, and hopefully whoever it is that's reading my post, please tell me how to improve! I have totally zero percent chance of getting into the main six because I can't spike! Coach expects us to know how to serve, spike, receive and set before he considers us for the main team. I can't even get the simple movements and actions of spiking right, how can I hope for a chance in the main team? I know it's no point brooding here and complaining, I have to do something. What? What do I actually have to do? I'm one confused kid. I didn't smile for the whole day, until Joey made me laugh with her silly comments about the picture ( inside joke ) , and then on the train when Captain, Xinping and Joey made me laugh more. Seriously, I think I have to take things more lightly and stop putting pressure on myself and stressing myself.
Chill Elaine!
P/s : I think I'm gonna bore my readers out ( or even lose some ) with this type of writing, but well, for the sake of competing my English standard with Joey, it's kind of worth it. Haha :)
Friday, December 19, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Edward and Bella damn sweet man! All through the movie I was like : Walao, I also want leh!Hhahahahah! Then Tien was like : Wa, later go there kisskiss. Hahhaahahhha! Damn cool man the show! I missed some of the disgusting parts. 'Cos I wasn't paying attention. LOL. Anyw I think the Jasper guy(even though he looks like he's always in pain/weird) and the James bad guy more hot then Edward!!! Waiting for New Moon to come out! FASTER HOR!!!!! And pre-movie was fun! We went to eat, then went arcade. Hahahah! Super fun I tell you! At first we play the throw balls at the things to kill/break etc it. Damn violent! Then we played shooting game. HAHHAH . Tien's idea. Then turn out that she also dunno how to play! I was first to die, Tien second, Joey third, Pingpong last. Hahahaha! Dunno how she does it! Also went to play the spot-the-difference game. I suck at it mans! I couldn't see any difference! Hahahha! Pingpong ace at it lor. Super steady. We keep screaming : PINGPONGGG PINGPONGGG HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahhah! Joey and Tien also went to play the pressing buttons game? I still don't get the game. Ahhahaha! They play until damn kan chiong sia! Super funny! Tien = BikiniQueen, Joey = Dancer. LOLOLOL!!!!!!! And I injured my finger when I was playing the dunno what table game thingy. Swelled finger manxz! Internal injury HAHAHAH!!!! Overall, FUN!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Elaine FTW
luckily i've got audi & y8 to accompany me.
p/s : i'm gonna get faaaaaaat.
Omg I've got a fking sweet and the most super duper awesome mom ever!
Well she came home today after work just like any other day. Thn when we were having dinner..
She took out 2 pressies and surprised us with it! :D I'm waiting till nighttime before I slp to open it.. Its actually a Christmas present I think. So my sis couldn't stand it anymore and she opened hers. Turned out that it was the Witch stuffed dog she was eyeing since yesterday! She did try to ask for it yesterday, but mom refused. Surprise man!!! Sis was like " omfg thankssssss<3 "
Haha! And to think she was practically crying yesterday when she couldn't get it.
Anyw, I've got a pretty good idea what's my present already..Because I also asked for something yesterday.. But all the same, I'll pretend to be surprised! Happy !!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Elaine FTW
Omg hahahah I can't believe it I finished Part 1 of my math homework yeahhhhhh!
I'm damn proud of myself! 80% Lehhhhhhhhh!!! :D:D:D
Btw my X-ray aand consultation fee when I went hospital to check my back today was $100! They went ' oh she's seeing a specialist thats why its more expensive '
kymm : huh how to nudge you?!
P/s : Today I saw this hot guy on the train he boarded at Dhoby Ghaut and alighted at Bishan. Ahhhhh ♥_♥
Ppp/s :
Joey says:
Joey says:
Joey says:
she wanna see my ezlink
Joey says:
Joey says:
he pass to ben
Joey says:
then i snatch
Joey says:
Joey says:
the bra came out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keniale the Great says:
Keniale the Great says:
Joey says:
Joey says:
then tio cut
Keniale the Great says:
Keniale the Great says:
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
She give me money to go shopping with Keiko, then I came back and tell her what I buy,
Den she only wanted to pay for my shirt, and she cutted my allowance!
Zzzzzzzzzz!!!!! SHIET MAN! She also nvr say she don't want pay for the accessories.
So stingy for what, family leh! Cbbbbbbbbbbb!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Piss off. Takes time yeah I know but I'm not a patient person.
Anyw this morning I went with Jasmine to meet her friend for basketball blahs.
It was hot and sunny but we had fun taking Dion's handphone keys cigg box mirror.
Hahhaha! End up he had to chase Jasmine for his phone and he got it. Jasmine damn lousy.
Den I took out his keys frm his box and I returned the box to him, and he was like :
GOOOOOOOD!! THANKS!!! -open- WALAO EH!!!!!! MY KEY LEH!?!?!?!??!!? =_=
HHAHAHAHAH! Super funny I tell you. Then we took his keys for 2hr plus. Hahahha!!!
NOOOOOOOB! But then he lost his keychain. Hahahaha. I'm not a bad person. Its Jasmine!!
Then training was nice. Not bad. But miss Banana and Kim and PingPong. Hahahhaha JOEY I DIDNT MISS U!!!!! xD
Then everyone started to call me Hou Zi (Monkey) !! Even the seniors. Hahaha! Actually only coaches, then today seniors all started calling me that! LOL!
Talked with Adel Jasmine Cat Faith after training. Our team has like, splitted into 2 cliques lah!
Chantalle Kim Tien Elaine Joey Pingpong - Cat Cassie Faith Adel .
But this few days Tien they all not here so I got a chance to really talk with Cat they all, found out that I can share stuff with them also! :) Haahha, hope the different clique thingy will be gone soon lah! :)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Xin Ping ;)

Hahaha! Thats Xin Ping yeah, my partner!
Aka Ping Pong. Well I found this picture in my phone.
When everyone saw it they were all like : So sweet!
Hahah! Now not so sweet already lah, drifted. But the picture still brings back good memories!
Fun times we had, really fun. Bad times we had, also really bad. But we always got back close together. Now highly impossible. You don't even bother to talk to me liao lor.
Taken in our hotel room when we just highlighted and when you just had your hair rebonded.
We were close then, but ever since I did that during the China trip, we totally break off.
I remember you scold me cb then I ask you fuck off and diam.
Really regret it man. Its like suddenly just no more close partner, just stranger.
Then I started partner Joey, and you partner Catherine.
Now also not close already, no more ' so sweet ' like in that picture.
I'm sorry.
Today's training, soso. Court skills were better then last few days. But service not steady already! No power !!!
And Banana + Secret Agent going M'sia alreadyyyyyyyyyyy. Gonna miss them like siao!
Cos Secret Agent(Sarahkim) always make us super hyper and Banana(Huitien) always make us motivated!
Oh yah, Joey going Genting !#$%^&*(
Ping Pong gone liao! Why everyone going overseas!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wang Zi :)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Wang Zi :)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Wang Zi :)
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
With Joey. My mission was to buy socks only, but then I also bought the sports bra.
LOL! The saleslady was suggesting that Joey need L or XL , then I take M or L.
So I was like , huhhhhhhhhh XL too big for me ah?
She say , uhm, I don't think u can fit XL ....
Means the lady sayin my boobs small la!!! Hahahaha fuckiuuuu!
Another lady was telling Joey : Err, this -picks a bra- should be able to cover you .
HAHAHAHAH! Then on our way to MRT Joey elbowed my eye -.-
Today's training was pretty slack, warm up then played games alr.
My service not very good today, but at least went over ;D
Team : Yiting Ciyin Adeline Hejun Joey Elaine.
Seniors were nice ;D Keep encouraging us and giving advice. :)
After tht training ended !
Haha! Tmr going China liao! Excited!!! ;D
Hope I don't forget anything. (Esp Bearbear ;D)
Tien/Sarahkim : Pls bring the shirts okkkkk ;D thanks!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Fish brains,

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Chicken Intestines,
Then she keep telling me : Eh now 9pm ah, still got 3 hrs still my birthday hor.
Funny! :) Anyw happy birthday yeah Mummy. Luv u.
p/s : Note that I pushed away dates for today just so I could stay at home and accompany you ok! Pls be more grateful.
Btw Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings is niceeeee :D Go listen to it!
And Joey is BHB. She say : Why so many ppl say I chio?
LOL! Hahahah! What a thing to say man!
I packed my luggage just now. I hate packing! Esp when I'm having leg pain then have to climb up and down to take stuffz! Gng buy the rest of items tmr :D
Andandand end up the stupid asshole Audition got so many new patches during the past few months I've not been playing and so the thing couldn't load!
So I deleted my Audition and tried to download the new version.
When I first tried the thingy needed fucking 8hrs to complete! Thus I canceled the process, tried again the next day. Only need 2hrs+ . Ok lah, so I go watch tv and occupy myself first.
Came back and tried to play, only to find that the thing is screwed up! Aftr using for like 3mins+ it will auto exit! Deleted it again. Pretty pissed off by then.
And plus I'm the only one having that problem!!!! Zzzzzz.
Waste my time! And just now I tried yet again(amazed at myself for being patient enough to keep trying) but at 88%, my laptop auto shut off. Walao, angry man!
Can you believe it, I'm trying to download it again. Haha!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Pea soup,
Well today we had training and training was fine except for some lousy spiking and then we were all so damn tired that teammys all became ' senget ' .
Ohohoh! And bfore training started thr was an accident! Hahahah!
I was tying the net and Joey was tightening the antenna when it fell on me and hit me near my eye!
Owwwwwwww~ Ass lah Joey.
I thought you were supposed to be tightening it, why will tighten until it drop down!
So the thing hit me and I started crying like a baby and PingPong was concerned at first, then she started laughing at me. Whats so funny hurrrrrrrrr!
I guess I started crying not because of the pain, but because I was shocked and because it was my face, I was kinda worried that there was a wound or smth.
Okay so homed and my mum was actually earlier then me!
Grace went on a holiday and her bf's really funny, trying to irritate me on msn now.
Ok this post was so wordy~
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Learn to let go of the past and move on,
We put up a good fight, but there's definitely room for improvement.
Need to be more alert, and move around.
So girls, pls go for every training and put in your best
Even if training is tiring, just bear with it. You're not the only one.
No pain, no gain.
This morning, Luv morning-called me! :D
Thanks yeah! It took around 6calls to wake me up.
Super tired. Went for training then match.
After match, we went with Coach Jonathan to Catholic High School.
Watched the volleyballer guys have their training.
Super steady.
Hahaha. Benbenbenbenbenben bestie was thr too!
We were eating cake. Kinda guilty cos its like we lost but still eating cake.
Felt really sorry for letting down Boss.
And he told us : Actually I don't want to coach u all, only got Mr Ang then I say ok. I only wanted to coach catholic high boys. Once thr's someone to take over me, I will say byebye already.
Felt like cryingggggggg. ;(
Can't imagine Boss leaving us mansx.
After cake session, we went Bishan Active to play beach volleyball.
Except the court was locked. !#$%^&*
So me and Chantalle went to play ABC basketball game.
Hahahahah! I AM DAMN NOOB.
Both of us were thrashed by Huitien.
Mrt-ed to Admiralty then me Joey Sarahkim had a super duper uber really nice chat.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Lost, but its okay ladies! Mistakes are made for you to learn from!
Captain hugged me and cried. Saddened to hear her cry! She was like, shaking with tears.
And all I could do was hug her tightly and pat her on the back.
The feeling of losing is sososo terrible lor, and this is only one of our firsts!
So Coach was telling us if we don't want to experience tht type of feeling again,
We should take training seriously and come punctually and all.
Yeh, agree with him. Ladies, try your absolute best! :)
Today's match with Woodlands Ring Sec.
Won, but stay humble!
Coach said that we didn't win because we're good or what........ so.......
All the best for tmr's match! Have confidence in yourselves okkkkkkkkk.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
&&&&&&&&&& Thanks Jovi love for accompanying me msg at midnight 'cos we're both having insomia! Hahhahahahahahahah!!!!!!!! Nocturnal animals. xD
p/s : Xinping takes damn long to reply me on msn. Dunno what she doing! FASTERRRRRRRRRR LAAAAAAAAA.
pp/s : I keep thinking about the donut I had yesterday! Wanna go have it again!
So yummyyyyyyy.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
They're fabulous company I must say.
Went Citylink to change my damndamndamn pretty sandals to a bigger size!
Turned out tht it was too big, 'cos I got slim but long feet and ankle from my dad!
The train was damn crowded and this stupid asshole actually shoved his armpit into our faces! Me and sister were damn grossed out la! For a few stations we had to bear with the sight of his hairy armpit under his gay pink sleeve. -.-'
Had donuts after. Yumyumyum!
Thn we went shopping, end up playing with the trolley with sis.
Was attempting to run over people! :D Hahahaha!! Childish yes?
But tht's how you cope with an eight yr old kid sister. ^-^
Helped my mum to carry the plastic bags until I decided tht I looked too auntie.
Hahahahahah!!! But I'm Zhang Zhong auntie!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Crying and bleeding on the inside,
Heart's hurting, nothing's going right.
I try so hard, but why do I still lag behind the others?
I'm putting in double, but I'm not even getting half back!
Maybe it just takes time, maybe I've yet to learn from my mistakes, maybe I'm just not ready?
So many maybes. I need an answer!
Sometimes, I really think I'm not good enough for me.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thats why I one day post a few times. HAHAHAHAH. Anyw,
In the picture of the just now post right,
which sandal nicer?
First or last one?(Green/Blue)
Tag me lehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
I think I am going to citylink with my mum to xchg! ^-^
I am boreddddddddddd.
I miss my love. :(
MIA for a few days liao eh, faster come back lah noob.
Super sour legs. HAHAHAHAH sour. Thts one of the reasons I don't really like shopping!
Hahahahahh! ^-^
Now I really this Sunday not freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Holiday longer pls, I am enjoying life w/o sch. HAHAHAHA! Sch sucks ^-^
10 days of fun time (expecting trgs to be fun) +++ spend more time w/ my loves! Hahahhaa! :D
p/s : GraceT still saving up for Ipod for me ehhhhhh! So sweeeeeeet!
pp/s : My parents owe me Psp ^-^

Hahahhahahah!!!!!! But I might be going to exchange my sandals, cos its kind of small.
But the bigger size straps are too big for me -.-' Why don't have half size bigger.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
YUNQI: LINKED AND TAGGED PRETTY : D takecare and jiayou for volleyball all the way!!!
Linked you too! You jy for netball also yeah! ^-^
Adeline: Xingan, link me. :)
Linked! ^-^ Luv u.
Joey: Nice blogskin! ;D & happy.
Thank you! & happy ...?
Considering to private this blog.
Thn I won't be so restricted. But very troublesome to inv ppl all this eh!
Should I should I should I?
If got public also wanna read thn leave a tag for me! Haha ^-^
Bored like bird. Actually today's our off day one lor,
Wanted to go out, but Mr Ang went and arrange the China trip briefing today!
So we need to reach sch by 3.45pm.
Plusplusplus I'm slping everyday at 1+am thn waking up at 6+am!
Tired but cannot slp eh. SICK. :(
Happy 1st month.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Elaine does not understand why some ppl is so kpo. She also don't understand why ppl don't understand.
Elaine does not know what to do.
Elaine knows b-u must take place. She will let it.
Elaine hates ppl who don't listen to her when she wants to say smth. She will not say it another time if she does not feel like it.
Elaine will throw tantrums as and when she likes it. She feels that it is too bad if you don't like it, because you can't do anything about it.
Elaine is going to put in 100% for volleyball. She is doing it to prove herself to the coaches, tchers who don't have trust in her, and to do team mates and herself proud.
Elaine has not recovered from her injured thumb. She dislikes injured thumbs as she feels that it is so inconvenient.
Elaine does not like biased ppl. She also does not like irritating ppl.
Elaine will laugh when she is over sad. She has always been like that, in case you ppl don't know.
Elaine does not know why bad luck always comes with company. It always happen with other bad luck and drags on for quite a few days.
Elaine hates bad luck.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
''Presbyterian High are definitely going down, most of their players are graduating this year. So I supposed they won’t be able to hold on to their title next year, most likely a 3rd or 4th placing. BPGH, SWB or Jurong got great chance of winning.''
''OH! PHS girls? Goners lah, living on past glory''
Walao, this is what they're thinking lor! Cannot cannot cannot! We cannot let them say us like tht leh! ''Living on past glory'' ???? Wtf mansx! Girls, we must work hard!
Prove them wrong! We're not living on past glory!
Can say is AWESOME mansx! Happy happy happy ^-^
The movie 'The Coffin' was okok lah, not really as scary as I imagined.
But still, freaked out!!!! Bloody. Hahahaha!!!
Thn I was scared until I cover my mouth with the jacket sleeve and grab ppl hand tighttighttight!
All the way! hahahah! Tight until my hand cramp! And my whole arm muscle pain!
I scared until cry at a few parts. Hahahahahh! But kinda mild tho.
Luckily isn't the other one, which is shown in the adv bfore the movie.
If not I cannot make it man! Hhaahahahha! The guys super brave lah, still can laugh!
The girls were SCREAMING. LOL!
Except me and Banana ;D I covered my mouth, so no sound!
In the cinema I think so nice lor! SO SWEEEEET! :D Hahahaha!
Joey Pingpong Banana you guys know what I'm talking about (:
After the movie, the basketball guys went off. Left the girls and two guys! :D
We went to change into playing clothes, and thn to the upstair thr to play!
At first we play water, thn become play water-volleyball.Survival also!
Hahaha! And and and! I FELL DOWN!
Thanks to PingPong and Banana lah! They pull and push me into the water, cause me to hit my knee on the rockful floor): Bleed leh!!!
Thn thr was lightning, so we went to play beside the water area! ;D
This fat security guard come to us and say " DON'T NOT PRAY BALL HERE "
Hahahhahaha! LAUGHS MAN! " Ok lah, eh everyone, don't pray ball alr ah!! "
HAHHAHAHAH! Disturb him! Quite a few times!
Got ppl wanna take picture with us also! Hahahah! Dunno make what.
The Joel guy is damndamndamn AA! HAhahahah! Kept kicking the ball and anyhow throw!
Sarahkim was damn piss lah! Haha!
Thn played until around 5pm+++, whn the rain is super heavy! We went shelter :D
Got this pouring water thingy thr! SUPER SHUANG MANSX! Hahahaha! :D
But damndamndamn cold!
And I didn't change after tht! Cos I lend Joey my plastic bag. Hahaha.
REGRET !!! Cold like dog!! Seriously SHIVERING mans!
They went to eat dinner at Burger King! I didn't eat tho.
So Wei Hao if you read my blog you shud know why I didn't eat the thingy you bought for me :/
Rushed back, cos Joey need to be home by 7pm. Awwwwww.
She was late anyw. Hahahah.
I am super duper uber happy(: Thanks for today people (:
p/s : Congrats Barack Obama on winning the president election! Altho I don't really know who are you. Hahahahha!!!
pp/s : Sorry Joey :/ I didn't meant to hit your neh so hard ! Sorry!!!! Cos I just swing my hand, thn PIAK like tht lor! SORRY!
ppp/s : I am one lucky girl.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
But when I can spike, I can't serve. Wth is wrong with me. ):
And my team mates rock like socks. I've got my best friend back again!
PING PONG!!! I was so sad lah, she like dao me, thn some more say nth to say to me!
I have to work on my service.!!!!!!
1. Do you have any pets?
- No, I can't take care of them.
2. What colour shirt are you wearing?
- Grey-ish.
3. What is the last book you read?
- Body Parts.(Its about a serial killer who cuts his victims' body in different parts.)
4. Are you or were you a good student?
- I think I am, but Mr Wang might have something to say about that.
5. What's your favorite sport?
- Volleyball.
6. Do you enjoy sleeping late?
- Of course! I am a LAZY PIG.
7. What is the weather is right now?
- I don't know.. I am at home.
8. Who tells the best jokes?
- Tan Jin Yi.(Nanny)
. What was the last thing you dreamt about?
- Don't remember, anyway, you aren't suppose to remember your dreams(:
10. Do you drive?
- A Mercedes Benz. Hahhahaha, I WISH!
11. Are you a good listener?
- Yup.
12. Do you believe in luck?
- YES!(:
13. Do you collect anything?
- Stickers Hahahahaha!!
14. Are you proud of yourself?
- Yes I am! Although there are times I wonder how is it like to be another person.
15. Are you reliable?
- I don't know how other people see me.
16. What is the craziest thing you ever did?
- I do many crazy things.
17. Do you like your eggs scrambled or sunny side up?
- Generally, I don't like eggs.
18. What's your favorite food?
- Many, 'cos I eat alot. I mean it when I say ALOT.
19. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
- If it's secret, how would I know?
20. How much is your allowance per day?
- $7. And I tend to overspend.
21. Do you like to draw?
- Yes(:
22. What's your favorite intention?
- Sabo ppl. Hahahha(: KIDDING.
23. Is your room messy?
- To me, yes.
24. Do you like apples or oranges more?
- Sweet oranges.
25. Do you give in easily?
- No. Never.
26. Are you a good guesser?
- Depends on the question.
27. Can you read someone's expression?
- I am kinda slow.. So no ):
28. Are you a bully?
- I do not intend to bully, but I'm not sure what the others think.
29. Do you have a job?
- Yeah. Being a student is such a chore.
30. What time do you wake up this morning?
- 10am plus plus plus.
31. What did you eat for your breakfast?
- Nothing.
32. What is the last time you shower?
- Just.
33. What do you plan to do tomorrow?
- Go shopping with my mum.(YAY)
34. What's your favorite day of the week and why?
- Friday because it usually marks the end of a tiring school week.
35. Do you have any nicknames?
- Yeah.
36. When is your birthday?
- 3 May.
37. What's you least favorite colour?
- Brown.
38. Is there someone you have been constantly thinking about? If yes, who?
- Yes. Cow.
39. Would you ever go skydiving?
- Don't think so, I'm not a fan of heights.
40. What toothpaste do you use?
- Colgate!
41. Do you enjoy challenges?
- Not really.
42. What's the worst injury you have had?
- I had to stitch the back of my head because I played wrestling with my cousin and I fell and hit my head on a sharp corner.
43. What's the last movie you watch?
- House Bunny.
44. What do you want to know about the future?
- How will I look like when I'm old T_T
45. What does your last text message say?
- ' hapy belated halloween! '
46. Who was the last person you spoke over the phone to?
- My mother.
47. What's your favorite school subject?
- Physical Education.
48. What's your least favorite school subject?
- Geography.
49. Would you rather have money or love?
- Both. I am greedy! :D
50. What is your dream vacation?
- To L.A
51. What's your class position?
- 39/39.
52. Do you miss anyone right now and who?
- Yes, my special cow. And maybe Kexin.
53. What's the last sporting event you watched?
- Volleyball.
54. Do you need to do laundry?
- Nope.
55. Do you listen to the radio?
- Sometimes.
56. Where were you when 9/11 happened?
- Huh?
57. What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
- I'll kick it and bash it till it gives me back my money.
58. Have you ever caught a butterfly?
- NO! I am not interested. Joey's the one who does all this stuff.
59. What color are your bed sheets?
- Hello Kitty. If Chantalle saw this she'd scream.
60. What's your sms tone?
- It's on silent mode.
61. Who was the last person to make you laugh?
- Myself. When I typed ' kx still only fetauer meh!!!! ' when I was trying to say ' kx still only feature me! ' Me and my terrible english.
62. Do you have any obsessions right now?
- Wei Hao.
63. Do you like things that glow in the dark?
- YES(: I think its magical somehow.
64. Have you ever been to a different country?
- Yup.
65. Who is the last person who text you?
- Clement Chew.
66. Who is the last person you comfort when he/she is crying?
- Myself.
67. Has a rumor even been spread about you?
- Can't remember.
68. Do you like sushi?
- Some.
69. Are you looking forward to something and what?
- Monday, match.
70. When is the last time you cry?
- Yesterday?
71. What the greatest accomplishment you have achieved?
- Best in English ( ENTIRE LEVEL OKAY ) when I was in Primary 5 :D
72. Whats your height and weight?
- 162 cm, 45 kg.
73. Who is your best friend?
- Grace Tan.
74. How many siblings do you have?
- 1.
75. Where is the last vending machine you buy thing from?
- School.
Friday, October 31, 2008
He calls me Boss! And I call him maid.
And whn I'm picking ballz he follow me with the basket all aroundaroundaround
And he make me laugh! Irritate me until I laugh!
Training was pretty well for me ^-^
Except a few moments when I start to cry and when I cry I cannot really stop -_-
And Luo Jiaolian told me this :
Whn you play volleyball, come for trainings all this,
there will sure be happy moments, sad moments, tired and stress moments(xinku)
but you have to rmb, tht whtever you do is all for the sake of ur team, and your goal,
So you gotta bear with it, thr will always be good moments after the bad ones.
I was damn touched lah! Thn my tears just cannot stop lor.
Like one big baby! And somemore they wanted to take a picture of me!
So baddddd. Hahhaa, anyw, thanks all yah.(:
Hahhahahahah Lim Joey you better stop selling me ah!
Anyw we had match with Unity Sec ystd, lost ):
They keep dropping ballz man!
A few service errors, did our own punishment.
After tht, bus back to sch for Mental Training.
Hungry like crazy! No time to eat!
Thn we all gave our blog urls to Mr Lim. Hahahahha!! To read our journals online.
HI MR LIM!! -Waves- LOL.
We had training after tht.
My spiking sucks like hell! Most of the ballz doesn't spin mans!
Must must must work on it.
Thn we played game. Teamed with Yiting JiaYi and Crystal seniors.
Hahhahaah! Was the only junior! And they were super duper uber nice to me! :D
It was a nice game. Hahahha :D
Tineng! Me and Joey were the first pair to finish!!!!!! HAahhaahha :D
8Wheelbarrels! Non Stop mans! Only at 4th thn we stop for 1mins+++.
And on our way home we saw a friend:)
Who told me tht I changed! Hahahah!But in a good way!
And they were also throwing my baby to each other ):EVIL RIGHT!
HAhahahah! Inthe end the stuff it inside captain's bag !
Hahaha! Poor thing, MIS TREATED!!!
Training later on. Tiredtiredtired! But will turn up, and train hard! :D
Becos its part of commitment(:
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I want to faster find a stupid job so that I can don't rely on parent alr!
Later make them think I say they owe me one.
No lah I know is not your fault for saying that,
Cos you gave birth to me is only need provide me with the basic things I need,
The things I want, is just WANT. Ownself want, ownself get.
Some more I not grateful one, you buy thing for me I forget, only rmb you don't buy for me.
Some ppl don't even got basic stuff, and I take it all foregranted.
If you don't want give me allowance, don't want buy me thing.
K lor. Just don't give, just don't buy.
Can. Thn I won't owe you liao.
Thanks ah, I no need you come make me depression. Don't need you come pressure me,
Don't want owe you.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Was pretty upset, but special thanks to SARAHKIM!
She held my hand (: And told me not to cry. Told me tht I could do it,
And she believed in me!
Awwwwww, so sweet.<3<3<3
Bestie comforted me.
Even though he's damn cheem at times, I still learn stuff from him!
Told me tht if my self esteem is dropping, he'll pull it back up for me.
And tht I have to believe in myself! :)
Jo & Partner both sent me smses to encourage me!
This is what true friends are like, hlping me up when I'm falling.
Encouraging me and believing in me!
I thank God for them.
Can't describe how much I love them.
I feel damn lucky to find them!
I promise you guys I'll do my best in everything alright! I won't disappoint you!(:
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Damn fun I tell you.
We played against our own seniors!(Yiting Dorita Sarah Weiling Estella Shiling)
Hahahha! First set, we reached our target!! 10 point! Is not so easy lor!
Faith & Tien received damn nice balls from the powerful spikes! :D
I think today everyone played goooooood!
Hahaha, great experience for us! :)
Jiayou on Tuesday girls! Match with CCHY.
Every team is at least 2years older than us! Hahahahh!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Today I played like a peice of cowdung.
Worse than dung, cannot describe.
Every ball I touch, FLY. = Lose point.
And it is not even counting the balls that I DIDN'T TOUCH = Lose more point.
Result : Lost.
Result of the result : Angry/frustrated/moody/attitude.
Elaine you can go eat shit!!!!Lousy bird!!
Sorry guys for giving you attitude, even Jasmine.
Sorry coach.
Bloooooooooooooooody upset mood!
Tmr we're having Under16 match, with our very own senior.
Jiayou girls,
Hope tht I won't let you ppl down again.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Stay at home and sleeeeeeeeeeeep :D
Hahahhaha! Except that it's a little boring sometimes.
I have been going to a website and play from morning until now you know!
It's seriously damn fun! Hahahaha!
Tmr's training, reach early if you're taking the scorer test.
Reach by 8.30am! :) 'Do not be late, if not you will give a bad impression to the other people' (Mr Ang)
Those not taking test,
reach latest by 12!
I think we're having the course thing again.
I remember leh! Responsible right :B
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Isn't it cool! I am a super successful farmer k!
I am going to keep it forever! 'Coz it's super special to me! :)
Today is a very happy day for me. Because it is the last day of school.
After sch, I went to pei partner at Woodlands! Because she need a playmate.
Hahhaha! Thn I was feeling sick. Which is funny. I think :)
Must be my sis pass it on to me! I want a bear. :)
Hahahhaha!Holidays are so great! I HATE GOING TO SCHOOL (:
Except that Kexin write this to me :
hi elaine, i am never going to see you again until next year :)
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. Sad right! HAhahahah!
And Mr Wang force me to do Art service :
Clean his stupid dirty and disgusting palettes.
Sharpen his stupid colour pencils. :(
Starting from next week - Intensive trainings. Almost everyday!
Cooooooooooooooool. Play the sport that I love for everyday. :)
Thn China trip coming alr leh! Looooooooking forward mansx!
I am going to buy the same pjs as Banana1 . Hahaha, thn we will be
I very smart right!
Walaoooooooooo, very hard to learn the rubiks cube thing leh.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Which was tiring & boring, but worth it when we reached the rocks area
Playplayplay! Hahahah, Joey spoiled her shoe.
Anyw, had some pretty sweet pictures taken :)
Hahah, will upload thm in friendster.
Do visit!
Had scoring course, which was pretty lame, but we still have to learn it.
Many schools were thr man! But we were making super much noises.
And I sprayed 2 guy's butt with Tien's deo. :D Cool right! Hahahah!
Training after tht. Gundi! So long nvr do alr! :D Hahaha. Was super off form lah.
Banged my stupid knee and elbows ): My knees swelled. Hahahaha!!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008 No drums ColdStorage Spray
Ohman, I miss P6! Haha!
We use to do so many fun things ! With Ellie Edward Sophia Anisha!
:) Watch those vids!
Anyw, I did not attend school today! :D Hahaha!
Partly was becos I was having a stupid bloody headache! Then I felt unwell,
And suuuuuuuuuuper tired! So daddy let me stay at home :D ( after much convincing )
Yesterday :
Training was a blast. :D
Hahaha! We are getting team jackets! YEAH MAN! :)
Bfore training started, everyone reached at about 2.30? Haha! Early!
Then everyone was feeling tired! 'Cos some of them went for the treetop walk
Which apparently sucked. Glad I wasn't supposed to go!
Everyone was like, sleeping on the hall stage! Super comfy, with the aircon
And asses for everyone to lie on. Hahahah! :D
Everyone was lying on each other, &I was the bed of Chantelle SarahKim and PingPong!
Hahahah! Poor me only had my bag and the coldhard floor. xD
Then we taupok-ed Huitien! AHHAHAH! Fun!!!!!!! She could take more than 5 ppl!
We all started screaming then rolling off her 'cos she ' couldn't take it anymore ' . HAhahha! :D
After that XinPing's turn to be taupok-ed! After 3ppl on her she could'nt take it anymore.
' Ahhhhhhh! MY KIDNEY PAIN!!!!!!! GET OFF ME!!!!!!!! '
I played like shit during training. ):
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Eh, I vry honour tht you come to view my blog and even leave a tag leh!
Since you dislike me so much, why still come my blog?
You not scared ltr you get poison or sore eye?
Who are you?
Give name lah, then I can keep away from you, so that you will not vomit so often :)
You say me step one big fuck? When and how I make until you?
Call me ljb, who is the one tht step one big fuck?
Some more don't even used your name?
Please lah, if I got ljb, I also cannot do anything about it right?
My parent give me tht face, you think I choose one ah.
If I choose one then I am super baby lo!
Come back and visit me again, I hope you get over your sickness of seeing me :)
I hope to hear from you again! :)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
It's funny how my mood can change so drastically in less then 24hrs!
I was born to be happy! :D
Muackx Jojo. HAHAHAHAHA! (I'm so gonna get killed)
Jojo = Joey = Mentally Unsound Gay who likes to say Aw Semen. :O
She's dangerous. Beware! Hahahaha!
Ha ha ha! I own you k.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I think commiting suicide by jumping down the MRT track is plain stupid.
Imagine the incovenience caused to the people who have to board the train to reach their destination.
If you want to die, choose a method which will not affect everyone.
And did you think about the amount of blood you will lose if the train didn't stop and crash into you?
Or if that's what you want, there are other advanced methods of dying.
Like overdose.
It's painless and no blood will be lost.
But if the method fails, your family has to bear the hospital bills and I have no idea what you'd feel because I have not experienced an overdose before.
But please, if you want to die, do not jump down the MRT track.
I simply could not imagine, neither do I want too.
It is not entirely your fault,
I know you might be facing problems but,
why would you want to end your life?
Unless you really have nowhere to go and you are in a really bad situation.
Although I can't think of 1 right now.
But when there's a will, there's a way.
Well, the reason why Elaine, Hui Tien, Xin Ping and I were late for training today was because of the situation I stated above; someone jumped down the MRT track.
Resulting in; we could not take the MRT to school.
So we had to take the bus to Yishun Interchange, and then take another bus to Yio Chu Kang Interchange.
It was a total waste of time.
Not to mention money.
I do not wish to elaborate on what happened during training because I am tired and I wish to take a shower.I love my teammates.
Copied and pasted from Joey's blog. I am extremely tired and depressed so I do not wish to blog.
I feel seriously hurt man. Will you all miss me if I suddenly died?
Friday, October 10, 2008

Yay! Hahahaha! I can do it lehhhhhhhhhhh!
I also changed my blogskin.
Anyway I went to have a haircut today.
Don't ask me how's it.
One second I think its fab, another second I think it looks like shitzxc.
Hahahaha! Joey & PingPong had their hair cut too! xD
Joey's new hairstyle is chio man! Looks damn good on her.
Thank me Joey :)
Happy 1st monthsary with Ezra. Ha ha.
There goes my plan for long hair. Cutcutcut so short now ;X
I miss halfbutt k. ;(
Can't even contact my friend to ask him/her out!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I sleep until 12 noon! HAHAHAH! :D
Then went out at 3 plusplusplus :)
Waited for Ellie and Xinping for like twenty min lah! ;(
They were super late!
Watched House Bunny! Funny show :D
&Many guys went to watched it, 'cos the girl is sexyyyy. Hahahaha!
Walked around and played! Home at 7plusplusplus! :)
I miss half butt ;(
&&&&&&&My mum got a new lappy! Which means we all can use the comp 24/7 alr!
HA HA HA!!! ;D
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Dear Faith:
I don't really know how to tell you this, but I'm in love with your sister. I think I realized it First of May with George Bush and his wife and I saw you sit on my mustard souffle. I'm sure you're senile enough to understand that i did a sex-change. I'm returning the cut toenails to you but I'll keep your neighbour Martin as a memory. You should know that I will tell the authorities about eggplant-fetishism.
Greetings to your freaky family,
So many great days! :D Hahhaha!
Today I had Art exam.
It was ok :D
Andand I also shared my feelings about many many things with Joey & Mummy! :D
Hahahahha! With Joey it was about death and destiny and love blah.(half hr talk!)
With Mummy it was about I think that she need to relax and stop holding on to me!
Don't restrict me etc. Then I ask her ' If until now you still don't want let go, then when? When am I old enough?' She say ' You are my child, always my little baby, of course I never want to let go, but a few month ago, I learn already. Now I can see changes in you.'
So sweeeeeeeeeeeeet right! Love her! (:
Then I tell Joey ' If I wanna kill myself right, I take the overdose path. No jumping for me. HAHA'
'Cos its too scary to think if jump, or what, don't die how? Lol! :D
Went to bbt after sch! Met a new friend! Name's Kylie Yun. Hahahahaha! Damn cute!
Then we played volleyballlllllllllll! Energy-ful man! After so long of not playing.
Happy like crazy. Until just, when I found out something stupid.
Which is not going to affect my happy time. :DDDDDDDDDD
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I was in a ffffffffabbbbulous mood! :D
No lah, I didn't finish my Chinese paper (HA HA)
I even write the answer on the wrong question number! HAHAH!
Pro right! :D But in the end, I changed the question number :D
After exams, went home with Ellie & XinPing! :DDD
We teach Ellie to play ball! xD Then we also went to fitness corner to train!
HAHAHAH! :D Fun mannnnnnnn! K then went backed and talked many secret! :D
We have bonded. Lol! :D
(XinPing left her EzLink at my house! Lol!)
Today :
Before the paper start, Mr Wang say ' There should be the F&N paper, and the D&T paper'
Then Wing Lam ask me ' Huh, where got F&N, our paper write Home Economics leh! '
HAHAHHAHAHA damn funny I tell you! Then I purposedly disturb Mr Wang
' Uh Mr Wang, we don't have the F&N paper, this paper write Home Economics leh, how?? '
Hahahhahahahah! Then he was stun! :D So fun!
Blahblah, I didn't know how to do a few question, so I anyhow wrote
' Symptoms of Dehydration : You will feel retarded '
Hahahahahah! But at least I finish all ok! :D Happy happy.
After that me, Ellie & Xinping went to Causewayyyyy! :D Hahahhaah!
We had a superrrrrrrrr fun time! Spent a few hour there you know! :D
Yay. :D
Today was a fun day indeed. Hahahahahah!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Can you believe it?!
Actually I'm a nerddddddddddd (:
I like nerds.Like Joey.
And I'm trying to talk like Joey.
How nice :)
I'm your disciple! :D
Her english is purr-fect!
May I 'haolian' awhile, my English score better then her! :D
Well, we had our Math paper today.
It was horrible! I didn't finish the paper.
Duh. S
o far the exams are nearly over and I've only completed
the English paper out of all the papers I had taken already?
So pathetic right.
Oh well, since it's over, there's nothing I can do about it :/
Of course I wasn't in a good mood.
Unlike somebody who finished the paper and was smiling all the way.
!#$%^&*So unfair!
But no one to blame but myself lah, since I didn't study until last minute.
Think can like PSLE is it, last minute study then all A eh!
No lah, secondary school exams are even harder then PSLE!
After school Mrs Lau told me that I failed my Geography overall.
I scored like, 49.7%? 0.3% more only!
So I went to Macs to do my newspaper articles.
Managed to complete only 2!
Am I a noob or what.
From 11am to 1pm I did only 2!
Somemore with the help of XinPing!
Wong Xin Ping is my lovely partner.
More than just a partner to me! :D
Somebody that I can rely on,
not only on-court, but off-court too!
Someone who accompany me when I'm lonely.
Someone who listen to me when I got problems.
I love her alotalotalotalot
and I know she love me too! :D
p/s I'm practicing gooooooooood English! 1 week only lah, bear with it!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
yeah right. i was trying to sound wise. like joey.
HA HA too bad i ran out of smart things to say.
todays science paper was soso.
actually it isnt hard but the section c, we supposed to choose 4 out of 5 qsn,
i only did 3. cos i dunno how to do 2 out of the 5! HAHAHA! ;D
so 10 marks gone
but i dont feel sad at all!!! :D
cos i did my best leh! proud of myself
but i will fail. :)
heard tht 2 ppl failed geog in our class
but 1 out of 2 will be me. cos i lost 20+ marks on wht i didnt do.
HA HA! not even counting wht i anyhow did!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
can say that im feeling less angry today! ;D
no lah, actually is NOT ANGRY AT ALL already !
not b'cos the person that im angry at has make me not angry,
but b'cos today is a nicer day ;D
so i shall be happy!
alot of interesting things happen yesterday!
i shall go study sooooooooooooooooon!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
this post shall be full of my RANTINGS
we had the geog paper today which was like fucking shit cos i suck at geog
nabehhhhhhhhhhhhhh! then is like dun know how many point gone already lah!
do already want to cry man!
den after that still got this person make me sososo fucking angry!
can kill ppl already la!
no la actually not but make me angry until my body got so much energy!
cannot be burn off man! make me wanna go walkwalkwalk~
but i went home la, actually i realise that not i want to walk,
is i hot until i need aircon!!!!
I feel so damned hurt.
Bet you can't see.
Bet you don't remeber.
Bet you don't care.
Well me too.
Monday, September 29, 2008
we had literature exam. at least i got think of smth to write lor!
tmr's geographyyyyyyyyyyy. God has been blessing me for the exams,
thank You! butbutbut give me more blessings tmr ? :/ i need it most tmr man!
its. G E O G R A P H Y !
ohman, the nightmare.
xinping came my house today, to study.
yeah righttttttttttttttttttt.
but end up she was distracted.
ok then i went to meet my mum & sis.
this few days i have been doing lots of stupid things with my sis!
just now her friend called 3 times , and i tell her friend ' um i think u called wrong number. whos nicole? no nicole here leh. shud be u called wrong '
hahahahahaha! its damn funny . her friend is like ' huh. no have meh? ok lor '
hahaha! i think im very eeeeeeeevil. ;D but i did it to help my sis lor!
then right, im super disappointed with someone :/ aiyah, spoiled my mood mans.
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Hi, I'm Elaine. says:
today i see this damn disgusting cat!
Hi, I'm
Elaine. says:
???? XINPING ©
???? XINPING ©
Elaine. says:
Hi, I'm Elaine.
???? XINPING ©
you never respect a cat's
???? XINPING ©
orhhor, you die
???? XINPING ©
he sue you then you know!!!
Hi, I'm Elaine.
I'm Elaine. says:
he got money meh
Hi, I'm
Elaine. says:
he use what
???? XINPING ©
???? XINPING ©
10 mao = 1
???? XINPING ©
hahaha! very cool right! ;D
i love my PSF! :D - kisssssss! ;D
always never fails to entertain meeeeee!
&weihao too! :)
Friday, September 26, 2008
i think that having exam is nice! ;D
hahaha! becos we can go home earlyyyyyyyyy!
today's was english exam! ;D
my favourite manszxc!
write until my hand cramped! haha!
i finished the paper when there was only 2mins left! ;D
yesterday was nice! :)
last classes man! super slack.
i went to library with xinping.
i got study. for 2 secs! hahaha!
i am too easily distracted!
ahhhh , who can go study with meeeeeeee :(
fuck, why everyone wanna study at home?
i'm anti-study at home lehhhhhhhhhh.
( i think the pink ds lite is superrrrr chio! i want! )
-kisses. :)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
kexin was not here! so i sit for all my lessons by myself ;(
but at least i pay attn!
we had a suprise math test. HAHA.
i got 7/10.
not bad lah. xD
joey got chased out of the class.
HAHAHA!! mr tan shout at her GET OUT! GET OUT NOW JOEY LIM!
funnny! she keep laughing also!
i love art mansxc.
i think my strangething is so pretty! hahahahah!
today was okay.
becos got only 1 math period!
and everyday is mrs lim's birthday.
welllllllll, i was angry at joey.
i shall not elaborate.
my rolling bee is nice.
hhaha! more interesting then kexins!
then me joey kexin was being NERD in cf class!
we make the whole class laugh mans!
we tuck in our shirt all the way, and pull our skirt longlong!
hahahah! its damn funny!
then everyone is like ' ohmygoddddddddd! what happen to u?! ' ' ROLEMODEL LEI! '
i have a picture! but its with vivien. upload asap!
stay backed to complete my strange thing! i spoiled it HAHAHAHA!
i love weihao manzxsc! he's a superrrrrrr sweeeeeet and cute guy! ;D
jinyi is superrrrrrrrrrr entertaining tooooooooooo! hahaha! ;D
gabriel stop saying im fat. ( iknowiknow )
huitien i know you love whooooooooooooooooooooo! HAHAHAHA! xD
Saturday, September 20, 2008
i went for training in the AA jersey!
then we train usual stuff,
my back hurt like crazy ;(
i think tiffany is nice
we did gun di
one round is like not enough for us !
crazy right! xD
then we were all like ' again again! '
fcuking tiring but damn shuang!
hahahah! then jonathan was spiking still okay, was not so tiring.
until ziping come and spike damn super hard!
can kill man!
then we did spiking.
jonathan keep calling me ' miss er xin! / miss disgusting '
becos he say my spiking is damn disgusting!
played match.
wasnt really fun becos we keep getting shouted cos we playing postition and some of us are confused blahblah.
den the stupid fcuker keep at the side nagnag. i shall not name the person!
but i was super angry!
then after that, it was better!
so i went home blahblah.
(my cousin cut her hair like mushroom)
Friday, September 19, 2008
burping partner! will get you your present asap! ;D
love you! last long uhhhhh! xD kisses.
fcuking unhappy this few days.
awwwwwww ;(
so many unhappy things are happening to me?
today i lost something.
super worried, then when i found it
i was angry.
becos many things was lost inside.
fcuk you mans who took my thing.
i know its my fault that i forgot about it and left it there
but you can just return it or something but dont have to take my stuff right?
argh. so angry.
why my classmates didnt help me take? why are some ppl just like that?
so dishonest?
just count as i suay la, becos 95% of the singapore ppl will either ignore it, or take it.
but natalie pang make me laugh.
thanks man!
dno if she wants to cheer me up or wht, but she DID make me laugh ;D
then i went for detention. mr tan's detention.
so i did math homework. 99% of the worksheet i do! ;D only asked for help,
never copy lehhhhhhh! xD
anyw, going to study super hard!
i like you so much!
you dont know when im hurting.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
today was actually a bad day at first.
becos i am sick.
fron yesterday!
then when i was in the car, going to schl,
i lied on joeys shoulder! (to sleep actually, becos the car seat super uncomfortable!)
hahahah! then i can hear her breathing and everything leh!
cool right! ;D
then, at schl, during white space
i sleep all the way!
P.E that time, we played table tennis!
i never play bfore leh! then i win many people ! HAHAH!
i was playing with my left hand!
but then. i cry .
becos of some shite gabriel ezra they all say to me!
so joey let me lie on her shoulder again! thanksssssssss manszcx!
then during CF tjynanny take the answer sheet for the games, and throw it into the dustbin!
all the missing answers was taken by him! HAHAHAH !
hahah! i love pingpong! she won a minniemousey for me! ;DDDDDDDDDDDDD thanks partner! and thanks joeyyyyyyyyy! for you know what right ;D the shoulder and everything!
(fcuking happy and angry! haha! ;D )
i love you!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
at this point of my life,
i feel that life is crap.
mug mug mug mug mug.
tchers pushing us to 110%
parents even more stress then us! ( actually not. they just look like it )
homework is shitezxc man! T_T
so rubbish man!
everyday wake up super early go schl study go home do homework sleep.
i hate schl life!
when we try to enjoy we also will feel fcuking guilty!
everyones like, no fun anymore. fcuking hot tempered impatient stress out.
cant wait until exams are over then everyone can CHILL
only one thing at this point of my very boring tired sickening life that makes me GO ON and not die or give up or something is my friends! haha! i love them!
make me laugh make me cry make me angry. at least my life still got some taste xD
( i cry 3 rounds in class today! PRO RIGHT. within 10mins! kexin took like, more than 15 mins to cry a drop of tear from ONE EYE )
Monday, September 15, 2008
except home econs part.
den mdm afrose ask me whats my food.
isnt it obvious that its salad.
is it that terrible.
den joey fed me prawn.
made my whole body itch like crazy.
but its okay.
not her fault ;D
the vivien finished my food.
HAHA! thanks uh.
there was science test. i didnt know .
-.- so me and kexin pass answers to each other.
funny right! xD
aftetr schl, actually we changed to get ready for training,
but in the end! dont have! wth man!
blahblah. so we went to atpq's house to play pool!
its not really fun.
especially when we need to take the stupid bus around.
so we decided that we will go again, for swimming! ;D
they plan to wear bra and underwear only! HAHAHA!
super funny.