Twitter tweet tweet
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Cock up.
Today's match lost to Dunman Sec.
Yeah i played , well according the others i played average lah
Cuz i quite kanchiong lorh. Well i had two services, was pretty ok (i think?).
The #11 small one damn power. If don't have her we might win? She rly saved lots ballz
Anyw peepo don't be sad, over jiu over liao loh.
Looking forward(maybe not) to match w NYGS on monday.
Jy babes.! better work hard! Ciyin gave us some advice, pretty wise haha.
Still, what can i say, Losing sure will sad one right :/
Today's match lost to Dunman Sec.
Yeah i played , well according the others i played average lah
Cuz i quite kanchiong lorh. Well i had two services, was pretty ok (i think?).
The #11 small one damn power. If don't have her we might win? She rly saved lots ballz
Anyw peepo don't be sad, over jiu over liao loh.
Looking forward(maybe not) to match w NYGS on monday.
Jy babes.! better work hard! Ciyin gave us some advice, pretty wise haha.
Still, what can i say, Losing sure will sad one right :/
Thursday, February 26, 2009
I'm damn pro lorh!
I did the 45min science common test paper in
Power right. Obviously is anyhow do one lah!
I got totally NO idea wtf the whole paper was about.
Yes i know i suck at science... No need to remind me.
Hahaha !!!! Plus i did ALL the qsns.
Anyw i'm having TUITION omg! So i totally threw away my free time
cuz my tuition starting nex tue ? 6pm. Sian 1/2 .
And I actually REQUESTED to have tuition. I don't want drop to NA.
NA = one more yr in sch LOL NO WAY!!!
Aft sch cab to CCAB to watch AMKSS vs XINMIN and CHS vs YTSS.
I saw edward!!!!!!! He rly changed damn blardy lot la! And CHS ....
Not quite as i expected but still.... they won ! :D We cheer of cuz.
Ben Anders Darius Xianlun Shawn Wayne + Libero(which idk his name) Good game! ;D
( we might be the cause of their poor performance in the 1st set... distracted them ;x)
Cab back. HOME SWEET HOME!!!!!!! :D
I did the 45min science common test paper in
Power right. Obviously is anyhow do one lah!
I got totally NO idea wtf the whole paper was about.
Yes i know i suck at science... No need to remind me.
Hahaha !!!! Plus i did ALL the qsns.
Anyw i'm having TUITION omg! So i totally threw away my free time
cuz my tuition starting nex tue ? 6pm. Sian 1/2 .
And I actually REQUESTED to have tuition. I don't want drop to NA.
NA = one more yr in sch LOL NO WAY!!!
Aft sch cab to CCAB to watch AMKSS vs XINMIN and CHS vs YTSS.
I saw edward!!!!!!! He rly changed damn blardy lot la! And CHS ....
Not quite as i expected but still.... they won ! :D We cheer of cuz.
Ben Anders Darius Xianlun Shawn Wayne + Libero(which idk his name) Good game! ;D
( we might be the cause of their poor performance in the 1st set... distracted them ;x)
Cab back. HOME SWEET HOME!!!!!!! :D
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Slap Elaine
I was such a bitch at training today.
Sorry teammys. I still love you all HAHAHA!!!!!
Promise it wont happen again!
Anyw I'm going to flunk my science too
The only thing smile-worthy was that I PASSED MY CHINESE OMG!!!
25/50 !!!!! Tyco sia! Hahah!
Sorry teammys. I still love you all HAHAHA!!!!!
Promise it wont happen again!
Anyw I'm going to flunk my science too
The only thing smile-worthy was that I PASSED MY CHINESE OMG!!!
25/50 !!!!! Tyco sia! Hahah!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Zz wasted time going to taka AGAIN! but nvm, at least i bought DONUTS! :D
I love donuts! hahahah! oh yes did i mention tht
Yes im sure cuz i left 6MARK QUESTION TOTALLY BLANK cuz i had no shit of an idea how to fucking do it -.- ' DIE MATH LA
I everyday so hardworking in class ( NOT SACARSTIC PLS ) but still .........
I am not math absorbant hahaha!!!
Some more i borrowed calculator from my friend then he didn't have one for his physics exam! >.<'
And got this super funny and bloody disgusting thing.
Wtf right!!! It was during geog lesson, i looking around the whole class to ask who get 30mark,
Then i saw him rubbing his dick!!!!!!!!! THEN HE OPENED HIS ZIP!
Oh yah cat also saw! I am damn disgusted la!
Jin yi say he ALWAYS does it, like for 6time today already?
UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!! -____________-
So we started using the word SEX and laugh like mad!
I like guys with small eyes. HAHA
I love donuts! hahahah! oh yes did i mention tht
Yes im sure cuz i left 6MARK QUESTION TOTALLY BLANK cuz i had no shit of an idea how to fucking do it -.- ' DIE MATH LA
I everyday so hardworking in class ( NOT SACARSTIC PLS ) but still .........
I am not math absorbant hahaha!!!
Some more i borrowed calculator from my friend then he didn't have one for his physics exam! >.<'
And got this super funny and bloody disgusting thing.
Wtf right!!! It was during geog lesson, i looking around the whole class to ask who get 30mark,
Then i saw him rubbing his dick!!!!!!!!! THEN HE OPENED HIS ZIP!
Oh yah cat also saw! I am damn disgusted la!
Jin yi say he ALWAYS does it, like for 6time today already?
UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!! -____________-
So we started using the word SEX and laugh like mad!
I like guys with small eyes. HAHA
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Oh yes i had a haircut now my helmet's gone
And i look like i'm frickin balding la! Thts why i never trust hairdressers.
But then, i still went to cut -.-' contradicting much? Yes very much.
& my dad bought like, 5packet of hersheys chocolate?
Damn tempting ehhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Hahhaha i will tell myself to only
Eat my Gobstopper(extrasour) & Pocky. :DDDDDDDDDD
Ya la i know la i eat alot SO WHAT! I like mah !
i hate ______________ !!!!! I got my privacy also right?
So what if you are ___________ ? Big fuck? Doesn't give you the right to
See my things anyhow anytime you like CUZ ITS MINE & I NEVER GIVE U PERMISSION.
I'm still under parental guidance blahblah so? Then not human la?
Every human is entitled to his/her own privacy !!!!! Stupid f.
And i look like i'm frickin balding la! Thts why i never trust hairdressers.
But then, i still went to cut -.-' contradicting much? Yes very much.
& my dad bought like, 5packet of hersheys chocolate?
Damn tempting ehhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Hahhaha i will tell myself to only
Eat my Gobstopper(extrasour) & Pocky. :DDDDDDDDDD
Ya la i know la i eat alot SO WHAT! I like mah !
i hate ______________ !!!!! I got my privacy also right?
So what if you are ___________ ? Big fuck? Doesn't give you the right to
See my things anyhow anytime you like CUZ ITS MINE & I NEVER GIVE U PERMISSION.
I'm still under parental guidance blahblah so? Then not human la?
Every human is entitled to his/her own privacy !!!!! Stupid f.
I totally couldn't get out of bed in the morning!!!
Laughhhhhhhhhhh! You know how i did it in the end?
I flip over to pumping position, pump myself up & crawl off bed.
Smart right! My side muscle on my thigh lan liao lah.
My wound looks damn sick & the muscles hurt!!! HAHAHA!!!!!
I finish drawing my pretty vball for art liao :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Laughhhhhhhhhhh! You know how i did it in the end?
I flip over to pumping position, pump myself up & crawl off bed.
Smart right! My side muscle on my thigh lan liao lah.
My wound looks damn sick & the muscles hurt!!! HAHAHA!!!!!
I finish drawing my pretty vball for art liao :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I fell into a drain today.
I was looking at tien & kim just for a second,
next thing i knew, i was half in the drain, half out.
LOL!!!!! I guess i was walking to close to it?
The first thing i said was : Eh i fall down!!!
LOL~ Then pingpong & japan turned back to hlp me.
Hahahha!!!!!! Yes you may laugh, cuz i was half laughing half crying.
Even though i couldn't stand up, until a few mins later
( slightly sprained left ankle :/ ) Hahahha it was fxcking bleeeding!
I hate bloooooooooooood ~
Result in :
during training -
i couldn't gundi cuz i didn't want to graze it to make it worse..
lost quite a few ballz due to reason above.
jumped funny (ankle)
&&&& my jie qiu was COCK i tell you !!! rahhhhhhhhhhh
after training -
walked funny cuz the muscles area whr my wound is was kinda cramped due to the deep cut?
bathed pain like helllllllllll ;(
I was looking at tien & kim just for a second,
next thing i knew, i was half in the drain, half out.
LOL!!!!! I guess i was walking to close to it?
The first thing i said was : Eh i fall down!!!
LOL~ Then pingpong & japan turned back to hlp me.
Hahahha!!!!!! Yes you may laugh, cuz i was half laughing half crying.
Even though i couldn't stand up, until a few mins later
( slightly sprained left ankle :/ ) Hahahha it was fxcking bleeeding!
I hate bloooooooooooood ~
Result in :
during training -
i couldn't gundi cuz i didn't want to graze it to make it worse..
lost quite a few ballz due to reason above.
jumped funny (ankle)
&&&& my jie qiu was COCK i tell you !!! rahhhhhhhhhhh
after training -
walked funny cuz the muscles area whr my wound is was kinda cramped due to the deep cut?
bathed pain like helllllllllll ;(
Friday, February 20, 2009
Good news :
1) Tmr got training.
2) I found my ankle guard.
3) It doesn't stink already.
4) I got clean kneepads.
5) I got clean shoes.
Hahhaha seriously my life revolves around
1) Tmr got training.
2) I found my ankle guard.
3) It doesn't stink already.
4) I got clean kneepads.
5) I got clean shoes.
Hahhaha seriously my life revolves around
Everything i've got to talk to friends about is ball ball ball and ball.
We always discuss the same topics, say the same things
But don't get sian/tired.
Hahahha no life right! No! Its call BALL life.
:) Never regretted joining vball man. Best thing tht happend to me.
Cuz i found friends ( plus we get to know other sch's vballer thru match etc? )
- My fabulous babes, who have so far stuck by me when i'm down, troubled etc.
Kissing and hugging all of you is so normal for me now! hahahah! :D
Team bestest love!
Tag replies :
shannon -
i feel like, but scared stress eh. and its far! ): still, i can't bear to leave my babes in phs hahahah :D
Germaine -
hhhhhhhhhhhhhellO GERMAINE :D ! omg hahahah hiiiiii again :)
Joey -
you look tooty, i look pretty. too bad, this is my blog :D
Lol -
who are you? thanks anyway (:
Waimeng -
LOL you ask me when u come online lah.
Kexin -
yalah! craaaaazy idiot :) scare the shit out of me.
tien -
the skin pretty right! like very cheeeeem hahaha ;D
lazy banana ! luv.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
My 3rd post of the day !
I'm bbbbbbbbboreddddddddd.
Trying to take my own sweet time to start writing lines.
Punishment for leaving the class w/o permission from Ms Tang cuz it was rlly urgent and she wasn't in class?
Lol wtheck. 100Lines -.- '
I'm bbbbbbbbboreddddddddd.
Trying to take my own sweet time to start writing lines.
Punishment for leaving the class w/o permission from Ms Tang cuz it was rlly urgent and she wasn't in class?
Lol wtheck. 100Lines -.- '
I will not leave the classroom without permission again.
Oh yes i spend an hour writing it -.-
Prize presentation today
Hahah, must jyjyjy for the nationals!
Anyw, i found out that some of the anderson main 6 players,
SEC 1 ONLY!! cool right! but dsa one lah, from peichun? i heard.
&&&&&&& watching the boys game rlly inspired me!
they go for every ball, ' yao ying bu yao ming '
i like it.
adeline : omg i like to watch the guys play sia. SO HOT!!!
elaine : i also!!!! damn shuai right!
adeline : yessssss!!!! somemore they so pro!!!! i like!!
elaine : u know....... i like to watch the boys.
adeline : LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
elaine : nononono!!!!!! i like to watch DIFFERENT boys from DIFFERENT schools
adeline : HAHAHHAHA WTF!!!!
Hahah, must jyjyjy for the nationals!
Anyw, i found out that some of the anderson main 6 players,
SEC 1 ONLY!! cool right! but dsa one lah, from peichun? i heard.
&&&&&&& watching the boys game rlly inspired me!
they go for every ball, ' yao ying bu yao ming '
i like it.
adeline : omg i like to watch the guys play sia. SO HOT!!!
elaine : i also!!!! damn shuai right!
adeline : yessssss!!!! somemore they so pro!!!! i like!!
elaine : u know....... i like to watch the boys.
adeline : LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
elaine : nononono!!!!!! i like to watch DIFFERENT boys from DIFFERENT schools
adeline : HAHAHHAHA WTF!!!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I tell you!!!!!!
I hate people that look down on me okkkkkkk!
Mum , dad, i tell you i can, WHY DONT YOU EVER TRUST ME?
When i'm trying so bloody fking hard, is it so hard to just
provide your support & encouragemnt, trust, instead of ur accusing words to hurt me?
i cant think of leaving c girls o9 man!!
i'll seriously miss the fun times we had! ):
i fell for ___________
i miss the feeling.
be strong, believe.
I hate people that look down on me okkkkkkk!
Mum , dad, i tell you i can, WHY DONT YOU EVER TRUST ME?
When i'm trying so bloody fking hard, is it so hard to just
provide your support & encouragemnt, trust, instead of ur accusing words to hurt me?
i cant think of leaving c girls o9 man!!
i'll seriously miss the fun times we had! ):
i fell for ___________
i miss the feeling.
be strong, believe.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Shit i'm being sexually harrassed online wtf
;0 says:
Don't need to know who i am , you just need to answer some question , ok ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
Are you ok with it ?
Elaine the Indian says:
depends on what questions
;0 says:
Are you alone at home or in your room ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
Are you interested of play nude webcam game with me ??
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
You not horny ?
Elaine the Indian says:
Elaine the Indian says:
you are?
;0 says:
I found your email by luck
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
Did you play before nude webcam ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
Wanna try ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
Its very " high " game.
Elaine the Indian says:
ahhh.. yes
;0 says:
Yes ?
;0 says:
You want to try ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
Why not
Elaine the Indian says:
how old are you?
;0 says:
Elaine the Indian says:
Elaine the Indian says:
from where?
;0 says:
;0 says:
Near geylang there
Elaine the Indian says:
Elaine the Indian says:
thats nice
;0 says:
;0 says:
But i dont go for geylang girl
;0 says:
I scare of AIDs
Elaine the Indian says:
Elaine the Indian says:
are you a guy or a girl
;0 says:
You want to hear how the nude webcam game play ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
guy of course
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
This game is horny of course
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
Both people
;0 says:
Need to be naked.
Elaine the Indian says:
another obvious one
;0 says:
And the webcam show to the private part
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
I will masturbe
;0 says:
The girl
;0 says:
Also can fingerfuck
;0 says:
Elaine the Indian says:
uh huh
;0 says:
To make ownself high
Elaine the Indian says:
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
I show you my cock , you show me your pussy
;0 says:
Like that webcam and play.
Elaine the Indian says:
fun meh?
;0 says:
Girl fingerfuck ownself , guy pcc ownself.
;0 says:
Must think of it
;0 says:
Like your finger is my cock
;0 says:
Then in and out
;0 says:
In and out
;0 says:
very high one
;0 says:
Slowly from 2 finger to 3
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
3 finger to 4
;0 says:
Like that super high
;0 says:
So are you interested ?
Elaine the Indian says:
might as well stuff the whole hand in la
Elaine the Indian says:
Elaine the Indian says:
not fun enough for me
;0 says:
If not what you want ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
If not the girl also can touch her own breast , fingerfuck , somemore is videocall , can moan.
;0 says:
More feel.
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
play w
;0 says:
play ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
you horny before ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
fingerfuck before ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
try then
;0 says:
really will high
;0 says:
Oh come on
;0 says:
Entertain ownself man
;0 says:
Play with me alright ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
Just need to see the cock , imagine that you are fucking , then the '' ahh ahh ahh '' sound , and the in out in out fingers , super high
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
that really high
;0 says:
try with me babe
Elaine the Indian says:
you go take aero plane la
Elaine the Indian says:
do u like, go to school?
;0 says:
Dont change the subject , (: play with me babe .
Elaine the Indian says:
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
It will make you high , i swear.
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
Nevermind , everyone have the first time
;0 says:
Just try .
;0 says:
i tell you 1 thing
;0 says:
you are not fun at all , bb , ( block and delete ) thanls.
Omg wtf!
;0 says:
Don't need to know who i am , you just need to answer some question , ok ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
Are you ok with it ?
Elaine the Indian says:
depends on what questions
;0 says:
Are you alone at home or in your room ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
Are you interested of play nude webcam game with me ??
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
You not horny ?
Elaine the Indian says:
Elaine the Indian says:
you are?
;0 says:
I found your email by luck
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
Did you play before nude webcam ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
Wanna try ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
Its very " high " game.
Elaine the Indian says:
ahhh.. yes
;0 says:
Yes ?
;0 says:
You want to try ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
Why not
Elaine the Indian says:
how old are you?
;0 says:
Elaine the Indian says:
Elaine the Indian says:
from where?
;0 says:
;0 says:
Near geylang there
Elaine the Indian says:
Elaine the Indian says:
thats nice
;0 says:
;0 says:
But i dont go for geylang girl
;0 says:
I scare of AIDs
Elaine the Indian says:
Elaine the Indian says:
are you a guy or a girl
;0 says:
You want to hear how the nude webcam game play ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
guy of course
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
This game is horny of course
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
Both people
;0 says:
Need to be naked.
Elaine the Indian says:
another obvious one
;0 says:
And the webcam show to the private part
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
I will masturbe
;0 says:
The girl
;0 says:
Also can fingerfuck
;0 says:
Elaine the Indian says:
uh huh
;0 says:
To make ownself high
Elaine the Indian says:
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
I show you my cock , you show me your pussy
;0 says:
Like that webcam and play.
Elaine the Indian says:
fun meh?
;0 says:
Girl fingerfuck ownself , guy pcc ownself.
;0 says:
Must think of it
;0 says:
Like your finger is my cock
;0 says:
Then in and out
;0 says:
In and out
;0 says:
very high one
;0 says:
Slowly from 2 finger to 3
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
3 finger to 4
;0 says:
Like that super high
;0 says:
So are you interested ?
Elaine the Indian says:
might as well stuff the whole hand in la
Elaine the Indian says:
Elaine the Indian says:
not fun enough for me
;0 says:
If not what you want ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
If not the girl also can touch her own breast , fingerfuck , somemore is videocall , can moan.
;0 says:
More feel.
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
play w
;0 says:
play ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
you horny before ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
fingerfuck before ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
try then
;0 says:
really will high
;0 says:
Oh come on
;0 says:
Entertain ownself man
;0 says:
Play with me alright ?
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
Just need to see the cock , imagine that you are fucking , then the '' ahh ahh ahh '' sound , and the in out in out fingers , super high
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
that really high
;0 says:
try with me babe
Elaine the Indian says:
you go take aero plane la
Elaine the Indian says:
do u like, go to school?
;0 says:
Dont change the subject , (: play with me babe .
Elaine the Indian says:
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
It will make you high , i swear.
Elaine the Indian says:
;0 says:
Nevermind , everyone have the first time
;0 says:
Just try .
;0 says:
i tell you 1 thing
;0 says:
you are not fun at all , bb , ( block and delete ) thanls.
Omg wtf!
Monday, February 16, 2009
It may be genetic.
some patients with anemia may feel:
fatigue easily,
appear pale,
You know, im gna write down all my wishes and secrets on a pretty piece of pink paper,
put it in a pretty green bottle, and throw it into the pretty blue sea. hahaha isnt that great!
yes i can write it down now but i need time to find that pretty green bottle! ^^
hahahah and yeah! today i found out that the BIG BLACK BOX pat was talkin about was actually the TV lol! laughed my ass off man . i was so dumb!
some patients with anemia may feel:
fatigue easily,
appear pale,
malaise (general sense of feeling unwell),
develop palpitations (feeling of heart racing), and
become short of breath.
it isn't fatal thank God.develop palpitations (feeling of heart racing), and
become short of breath.
You know, im gna write down all my wishes and secrets on a pretty piece of pink paper,
put it in a pretty green bottle, and throw it into the pretty blue sea. hahaha isnt that great!
yes i can write it down now but i need time to find that pretty green bottle! ^^
hahahah and yeah! today i found out that the BIG BLACK BOX pat was talkin about was actually the TV lol! laughed my ass off man . i was so dumb!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
My mum didn't allowed me to go national library to study.
She doesn't believe i'm going to study!
So nvm, this morning i chiongd all my fact sheets revision etc,
finished by 11am. I thought, since finished alr she let me go,
Cuz she always said ' if you finish what you suppose to do, you can go anywhr '
In the end, she still don't allow! Liar liar pants on fire !!!!!!!
Then i stay at home lor, did some home econ, sleep, ate many choc
Wasted a beautiful sunday rot at home -.-
My sis threwd tantrum ! Hahhaha made my mum damn angry.
I was just like her when i was younger! Now i no emotion at home.
She doesn't believe i'm going to study!
So nvm, this morning i chiongd all my fact sheets revision etc,
finished by 11am. I thought, since finished alr she let me go,
Cuz she always said ' if you finish what you suppose to do, you can go anywhr '
In the end, she still don't allow! Liar liar pants on fire !!!!!!!
Then i stay at home lor, did some home econ, sleep, ate many choc
Wasted a beautiful sunday rot at home -.-
My sis threwd tantrum ! Hahhaha made my mum damn angry.
I was just like her when i was younger! Now i no emotion at home.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentines Day
Omg this year's valentines day was the best i ever had!
Lucky me got to spent it with my dearest teammates!!! :D
Gooooooooooooooood right, don't jealous ok haha
I've got a lot of presentssssss <3 :D
Y'know, elaine luvs presents ^^
A damn cute goodie bag from kim,
Spectacled banana toy from tien(banana)
Rainbow hp pouch from japan,
Heart shaped balloons from joey ( that was super sweet lor)
Wrapped chocs from cassie,
Sweet from cat,
Heart shaped ring from chantalle ( damn pretty )
hugs & kisses from ahchew !
I super luv them! <3333333333333333333333333333333
Lucky me got to spent it with my dearest teammates!!! :D
Gooooooooooooooood right, don't jealous ok haha
I've got a lot of presentssssss <3 :D
Y'know, elaine luvs presents ^^
A damn cute goodie bag from kim,
Spectacled banana toy from tien(banana)
Rainbow hp pouch from japan,
Heart shaped balloons from joey ( that was super sweet lor)
Wrapped chocs from cassie,
Sweet from cat,
Heart shaped ring from chantalle ( damn pretty )
hugs & kisses from ahchew !
I super luv them! <3333333333333333333333333333333
Friday, February 13, 2009
Elaine no balls.
hahahahhaha friends should know why (:
tmr's valentines , everyone was giving out presents!
i got a few, also got give out ! ^^
but i losted the lolipop i was saving. ):
so.................... sad lah.
i know my post is boring so bye.
oh yeah people , don't say that you're spending a
lonely valentines this year blahblah when you got no bf/gf.
cuz you people still got your friends! valentines isnt only for lovers,
its for friends too! your friends luv you too! so.........
nobody ever spends a lonely valentines :)
hahahahhaha friends should know why (:
tmr's valentines , everyone was giving out presents!
i got a few, also got give out ! ^^
but i losted the lolipop i was saving. ):
so.................... sad lah.
i know my post is boring so bye.
oh yeah people , don't say that you're spending a
lonely valentines this year blahblah when you got no bf/gf.
cuz you people still got your friends! valentines isnt only for lovers,
its for friends too! your friends luv you too! so.........
nobody ever spends a lonely valentines :)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Sick and tired

I'm tired.
So tired! Emotionally, physically.
Mostly, i pretend to laugh and smile, sunshine.
I hardly find anything really seriously funny,
Unlike last time, when i will laugh at anything that is stupid.
I'm holding on because of my friends,
Dearests who support me and love me.
Argh. I don't know how much longer i can hold on.
Anderson tmr. Have faith in yourselves girls.
its been so long since we had a proper chat.
didnt we promise to stay in contact?
it wasnt supposed to be like this.
i'm really damn disappointed.
i really miss you alot.
but nvm, since its over, i can say nth.
and i've already move on.
im strong
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Bob the builder can we fix it?
Hahahha tien you damn cute !
I thought you want your stead Joey, or Sarahkim!
Hahahahha but then, if you want to be my 1st husband,
You can always apply and book first HAHAHAH Elaine on high demand de leh!
Kidding! You better get well soon ok! Rest more!
I SUPER DUPER UBER (x1287623587344234872385) Luv you!
Hehehehhe hahaha hohohohoho!
Anyw training was weirrrrd w/o kim & tien. LOL.
Math class was quiet. Cuz kim wasn't slanging behind hahahahah!!!
Ok lah, so all JYJYJYJYJYJY for tmr's match against Punggol sec!
And, I'm hurttttttt ):
Sad eh! I somehow re injured my ankle.
So i'm probably wearing ankle guard tmr zzz. Fuck pain!
I got hurt on my face more then 5 times this few days!
First was ystd, got hit by the ball for around 2 or 3 times cuz
It hit the wall and rebound back hit my nose bone
Went back and the bone hurted. -.-
Then today in school Shaun lee fucker shot bottle cap at my face ,
One on my cheek one on my forhead zzzzz idiot
Another 2 times during training,
Pingpong whacked the ball STRAIGHT IN MY FACE
My lip fucking split lah! So my lip swelled -.-
Somemore near the end of training,
Suay right! Hahahhaha so it double split. You got any idea how fucking
Strong were the ballz! They're both damn power ppl laH!
Hahahah I'm damn lucky -.-'
I thought you want your stead Joey, or Sarahkim!
Hahahahha but then, if you want to be my 1st husband,
You can always apply and book first HAHAHAH Elaine on high demand de leh!
Kidding! You better get well soon ok! Rest more!
I SUPER DUPER UBER (x1287623587344234872385) Luv you!
Hehehehhe hahaha hohohohoho!
Anyw training was weirrrrd w/o kim & tien. LOL.
Math class was quiet. Cuz kim wasn't slanging behind hahahahah!!!
Ok lah, so all JYJYJYJYJYJY for tmr's match against Punggol sec!
And, I'm hurttttttt ):
Sad eh! I somehow re injured my ankle.
So i'm probably wearing ankle guard tmr zzz. Fuck pain!
I got hurt on my face more then 5 times this few days!
First was ystd, got hit by the ball for around 2 or 3 times cuz
It hit the wall and rebound back hit my nose bone
Went back and the bone hurted. -.-
Then today in school Shaun lee fucker shot bottle cap at my face ,
One on my cheek one on my forhead zzzzz idiot
Another 2 times during training,
Pingpong whacked the ball STRAIGHT IN MY FACE
My lip fucking split lah! So my lip swelled -.-
Somemore near the end of training,
Suay right! Hahahhaha so it double split. You got any idea how fucking
Strong were the ballz! They're both damn power ppl laH!
Hahahah I'm damn lucky -.-'
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Don't know is the worst feeling
Don't like to don't know, but scared to know.
What if its no? I want to know,
But how to know? I really don't know.
Why I don't know? Because I don't dare to know.
So I continue don't know. And continue don't like to don't know.
But I kind of want to know.
What if its no? I want to know,
But how to know? I really don't know.
Why I don't know? Because I don't dare to know.
So I continue don't know. And continue don't like to don't know.
But I kind of want to know.
LOL (:
Hahahahahah i got a future husband LOL!
His name is Hong Da and he's in my class.
He is small in size, round glasses, with a cute mushroom head.
Mr Lim predict that we will marry next time.
No problem that he's shorter then me by alot.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Funny! Me pingpong joey were like
Imagining the outcome of the wedding la! If we married,
Then got children , and i'll be carrying the PRAM and KIDS.
Then he carry the diaper and milk bottle ! LOL HAHAHAH!
Laughed till imbah.
Anyw, gg ppl today, although we could have done better.
But we are never satisfied, so lets jyjyjy and we still can improve! :DDDDDDDDD
His name is Hong Da and he's in my class.
He is small in size, round glasses, with a cute mushroom head.
Mr Lim predict that we will marry next time.
No problem that he's shorter then me by alot.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Funny! Me pingpong joey were like
Imagining the outcome of the wedding la! If we married,
Then got children , and i'll be carrying the PRAM and KIDS.
Then he carry the diaper and milk bottle ! LOL HAHAHAH!
Laughed till imbah.
Anyw, gg ppl today, although we could have done better.
But we are never satisfied, so lets jyjyjy and we still can improve! :DDDDDDDDD
Sunday, February 8, 2009
You suck
I'm not obliged to help you de lorh!
Obliged, learnt from Xinping. LOL
My mother!!!! Keep asking me to help her w her hp
And keep showing it off . She knw i want it de eh.
Still keep pestering me to help her this help her tht.
I thought you keep saying its YOURS ? then why need MY help?
Zzz i got limit de ok.
Obliged, learnt from Xinping. LOL
My mother!!!! Keep asking me to help her w her hp
And keep showing it off . She knw i want it de eh.
Still keep pestering me to help her this help her tht.
I thought you keep saying its YOURS ? then why need MY help?
Zzz i got limit de ok.
Friday, February 6, 2009
I'm like damn ffffffffffff bored!
Getting sicker. From morning until now,
I seems to have got worse! Now i'm still damn dizzy,
feeling weaker.
Sorry teammys, that I couldn't show up today.
I can assure you I'm still committed.
Getting sicker. From morning until now,
I seems to have got worse! Now i'm still damn dizzy,
feeling weaker.
Sorry teammys, that I couldn't show up today.
I can assure you I'm still committed.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder?
Hi i didn't go school today.
Rather unwell.
So i got to sleep more.
Bad thing, i wasn't allowed to go for today's match.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz fuck.
Rather unwell.
So i got to sleep more.
Bad thing, i wasn't allowed to go for today's match.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz fuck.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Don't replace me!
I hate Joey.
I really hate Joey.
Todays a special day for you, so i hoped you enjoyed (:
Anw i know my present wasnt anything special butttttt.
I want you to know that i spent a few days searching for smth special but found nth that i thought was special enough for you.
Finding a present for rich kid like you isnt easy HAHA! Nah kidding,its becuz you are smeone superrrdthespecial to me thats why! ^^
So ytd i rushed to buy the present last min cuz i really needed to go hme to do my homework.
I hope your fav colour still orange, superdtheduperlong never catch up with you already!
Just letting you know that you are still the most special and bestest girl in my heart,
and will always and forever be.(pinkypromise)
Luv youuuuuuu !
P/s : I'll get another better present for you asap!
Pp/s : You better not tell me u got a replacement for my number 1 place ! Hahaha;D
Btw im kinda happy cuz you know... Close friends should know. But if YOU whoever you are dont know and wants to know too you can ask me. Hahaha i'm trying out the 'youcanaskme' thing to make my tagboard livelier! Smart right tyty.
It really wasnt my fault that CRL chased me out today.........
I really hate Joey.
Todays a special day for you, so i hoped you enjoyed (:
Anw i know my present wasnt anything special butttttt.
I want you to know that i spent a few days searching for smth special but found nth that i thought was special enough for you.
Finding a present for rich kid like you isnt easy HAHA! Nah kidding,its becuz you are smeone superrrdthespecial to me thats why! ^^
So ytd i rushed to buy the present last min cuz i really needed to go hme to do my homework.
I hope your fav colour still orange, superdtheduperlong never catch up with you already!
Just letting you know that you are still the most special and bestest girl in my heart,
and will always and forever be.(pinkypromise)
Luv youuuuuuu !
P/s : I'll get another better present for you asap!
Pp/s : You better not tell me u got a replacement for my number 1 place ! Hahaha;D
Btw im kinda happy cuz you know... Close friends should know. But if YOU whoever you are dont know and wants to know too you can ask me. Hahaha i'm trying out the 'youcanaskme' thing to make my tagboard livelier! Smart right tyty.
It really wasnt my fault that CRL chased me out today.........
Monday, February 2, 2009
Do not covet,
Ty for the present Japan! :D
Hhehehe even better the present is greeeeeeeeeeen.!
^^ And the rest was like ehhhh why only elaine got ME LEH!
Hahahha i feel so honour! ;D
Music i was saboed to sing infront of the whole class zzzzz i didnt knw hw to sing LOL(:
Fuck Tan Whenn and Shaun la
Then ms tang gave me detention zzzzz i couldnt find my worksheet!
I got do one lor! Sarahkim and me chionged the worksheet.
Smth happened made me kinda saaaaaaaaaaad.
But nvm, ^^ I suddenly had alot of strengthhhhhhh hahaha
Hhehehe even better the present is greeeeeeeeeeen.!
^^ And the rest was like ehhhh why only elaine got ME LEH!
Hahahha i feel so honour! ;D
Music i was saboed to sing infront of the whole class zzzzz i didnt knw hw to sing LOL(:
Fuck Tan Whenn and Shaun la
Then ms tang gave me detention zzzzz i couldnt find my worksheet!
I got do one lor! Sarahkim and me chionged the worksheet.
Smth happened made me kinda saaaaaaaaaaad.
But nvm, ^^ I suddenly had alot of strengthhhhhhh hahaha
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Past present future
Auntie's house fr dinner today.
Argh damn f boring lah. Until cousin took out photos fr us to see.
Haha, lasttime we all cousins around 8 of us? Superb close!
I of cuz, was the youngest ^-^ And the most smiley one lah!
Plus, everyone was like saying how pretty i was when i small lor :B
Hehehehe! K la i not bhb ok i say LAST TIME.
But since they started sec sch all drifted . No time fr each other alr.
Hehehehe i saw many center partings in the photos LOL (:
Argh damn f boring lah. Until cousin took out photos fr us to see.
Haha, lasttime we all cousins around 8 of us? Superb close!
I of cuz, was the youngest ^-^ And the most smiley one lah!
Plus, everyone was like saying how pretty i was when i small lor :B
Hehehehe! K la i not bhb ok i say LAST TIME.
But since they started sec sch all drifted . No time fr each other alr.
Hehehehe i saw many center partings in the photos LOL (:
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