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Friday, October 31, 2008
He calls me Boss! And I call him maid.
And whn I'm picking ballz he follow me with the basket all aroundaroundaround
And he make me laugh! Irritate me until I laugh!
Training was pretty well for me ^-^
Except a few moments when I start to cry and when I cry I cannot really stop -_-
And Luo Jiaolian told me this :
Whn you play volleyball, come for trainings all this,
there will sure be happy moments, sad moments, tired and stress moments(xinku)
but you have to rmb, tht whtever you do is all for the sake of ur team, and your goal,
So you gotta bear with it, thr will always be good moments after the bad ones.
I was damn touched lah! Thn my tears just cannot stop lor.
Like one big baby! And somemore they wanted to take a picture of me!
So baddddd. Hahhaa, anyw, thanks all yah.(:
Hahhahahahah Lim Joey you better stop selling me ah!
Anyw we had match with Unity Sec ystd, lost ):
They keep dropping ballz man!
A few service errors, did our own punishment.
After tht, bus back to sch for Mental Training.
Hungry like crazy! No time to eat!
Thn we all gave our blog urls to Mr Lim. Hahahahha!! To read our journals online.
HI MR LIM!! -Waves- LOL.
We had training after tht.
My spiking sucks like hell! Most of the ballz doesn't spin mans!
Must must must work on it.
Thn we played game. Teamed with Yiting JiaYi and Crystal seniors.
Hahhahaah! Was the only junior! And they were super duper uber nice to me! :D
It was a nice game. Hahahha :D
Tineng! Me and Joey were the first pair to finish!!!!!! HAahhaahha :D
8Wheelbarrels! Non Stop mans! Only at 4th thn we stop for 1mins+++.
And on our way home we saw a friend:)
Who told me tht I changed! Hahahah!But in a good way!
And they were also throwing my baby to each other ):EVIL RIGHT!
HAhahahah! Inthe end the stuff it inside captain's bag !
Hahaha! Poor thing, MIS TREATED!!!
Training later on. Tiredtiredtired! But will turn up, and train hard! :D
Becos its part of commitment(:
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I want to faster find a stupid job so that I can don't rely on parent alr!
Later make them think I say they owe me one.
No lah I know is not your fault for saying that,
Cos you gave birth to me is only need provide me with the basic things I need,
The things I want, is just WANT. Ownself want, ownself get.
Some more I not grateful one, you buy thing for me I forget, only rmb you don't buy for me.
Some ppl don't even got basic stuff, and I take it all foregranted.
If you don't want give me allowance, don't want buy me thing.
K lor. Just don't give, just don't buy.
Can. Thn I won't owe you liao.
Thanks ah, I no need you come make me depression. Don't need you come pressure me,
Don't want owe you.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Was pretty upset, but special thanks to SARAHKIM!
She held my hand (: And told me not to cry. Told me tht I could do it,
And she believed in me!
Awwwwww, so sweet.<3<3<3
Bestie comforted me.
Even though he's damn cheem at times, I still learn stuff from him!
Told me tht if my self esteem is dropping, he'll pull it back up for me.
And tht I have to believe in myself! :)
Jo & Partner both sent me smses to encourage me!
This is what true friends are like, hlping me up when I'm falling.
Encouraging me and believing in me!
I thank God for them.
Can't describe how much I love them.
I feel damn lucky to find them!
I promise you guys I'll do my best in everything alright! I won't disappoint you!(:
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Damn fun I tell you.
We played against our own seniors!(Yiting Dorita Sarah Weiling Estella Shiling)
Hahahha! First set, we reached our target!! 10 point! Is not so easy lor!
Faith & Tien received damn nice balls from the powerful spikes! :D
I think today everyone played goooooood!
Hahaha, great experience for us! :)
Jiayou on Tuesday girls! Match with CCHY.
Every team is at least 2years older than us! Hahahahh!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Today I played like a peice of cowdung.
Worse than dung, cannot describe.
Every ball I touch, FLY. = Lose point.
And it is not even counting the balls that I DIDN'T TOUCH = Lose more point.
Result : Lost.
Result of the result : Angry/frustrated/moody/attitude.
Elaine you can go eat shit!!!!Lousy bird!!
Sorry guys for giving you attitude, even Jasmine.
Sorry coach.
Bloooooooooooooooody upset mood!
Tmr we're having Under16 match, with our very own senior.
Jiayou girls,
Hope tht I won't let you ppl down again.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Stay at home and sleeeeeeeeeeeep :D
Hahahhaha! Except that it's a little boring sometimes.
I have been going to a website and play from morning until now you know!
It's seriously damn fun! Hahahaha!
Tmr's training, reach early if you're taking the scorer test.
Reach by 8.30am! :) 'Do not be late, if not you will give a bad impression to the other people' (Mr Ang)
Those not taking test,
reach latest by 12!
I think we're having the course thing again.
I remember leh! Responsible right :B
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Isn't it cool! I am a super successful farmer k!
I am going to keep it forever! 'Coz it's super special to me! :)
Today is a very happy day for me. Because it is the last day of school.
After sch, I went to pei partner at Woodlands! Because she need a playmate.
Hahhaha! Thn I was feeling sick. Which is funny. I think :)
Must be my sis pass it on to me! I want a bear. :)
Hahahhaha!Holidays are so great! I HATE GOING TO SCHOOL (:
Except that Kexin write this to me :
hi elaine, i am never going to see you again until next year :)
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. Sad right! HAhahahah!
And Mr Wang force me to do Art service :
Clean his stupid dirty and disgusting palettes.
Sharpen his stupid colour pencils. :(
Starting from next week - Intensive trainings. Almost everyday!
Cooooooooooooooool. Play the sport that I love for everyday. :)
Thn China trip coming alr leh! Looooooooking forward mansx!
I am going to buy the same pjs as Banana1 . Hahaha, thn we will be
I very smart right!
Walaoooooooooo, very hard to learn the rubiks cube thing leh.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Which was tiring & boring, but worth it when we reached the rocks area
Playplayplay! Hahahah, Joey spoiled her shoe.
Anyw, had some pretty sweet pictures taken :)
Hahah, will upload thm in friendster.
Do visit!
Had scoring course, which was pretty lame, but we still have to learn it.
Many schools were thr man! But we were making super much noises.
And I sprayed 2 guy's butt with Tien's deo. :D Cool right! Hahahah!
Training after tht. Gundi! So long nvr do alr! :D Hahaha. Was super off form lah.
Banged my stupid knee and elbows ): My knees swelled. Hahahaha!!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008 No drums ColdStorage Spray
Ohman, I miss P6! Haha!
We use to do so many fun things ! With Ellie Edward Sophia Anisha!
:) Watch those vids!
Anyw, I did not attend school today! :D Hahaha!
Partly was becos I was having a stupid bloody headache! Then I felt unwell,
And suuuuuuuuuuper tired! So daddy let me stay at home :D ( after much convincing )
Yesterday :
Training was a blast. :D
Hahaha! We are getting team jackets! YEAH MAN! :)
Bfore training started, everyone reached at about 2.30? Haha! Early!
Then everyone was feeling tired! 'Cos some of them went for the treetop walk
Which apparently sucked. Glad I wasn't supposed to go!
Everyone was like, sleeping on the hall stage! Super comfy, with the aircon
And asses for everyone to lie on. Hahahah! :D
Everyone was lying on each other, &I was the bed of Chantelle SarahKim and PingPong!
Hahahah! Poor me only had my bag and the coldhard floor. xD
Then we taupok-ed Huitien! AHHAHAH! Fun!!!!!!! She could take more than 5 ppl!
We all started screaming then rolling off her 'cos she ' couldn't take it anymore ' . HAhahha! :D
After that XinPing's turn to be taupok-ed! After 3ppl on her she could'nt take it anymore.
' Ahhhhhhh! MY KIDNEY PAIN!!!!!!! GET OFF ME!!!!!!!! '
I played like shit during training. ):
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Eh, I vry honour tht you come to view my blog and even leave a tag leh!
Since you dislike me so much, why still come my blog?
You not scared ltr you get poison or sore eye?
Who are you?
Give name lah, then I can keep away from you, so that you will not vomit so often :)
You say me step one big fuck? When and how I make until you?
Call me ljb, who is the one tht step one big fuck?
Some more don't even used your name?
Please lah, if I got ljb, I also cannot do anything about it right?
My parent give me tht face, you think I choose one ah.
If I choose one then I am super baby lo!
Come back and visit me again, I hope you get over your sickness of seeing me :)
I hope to hear from you again! :)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
It's funny how my mood can change so drastically in less then 24hrs!
I was born to be happy! :D
Muackx Jojo. HAHAHAHAHA! (I'm so gonna get killed)
Jojo = Joey = Mentally Unsound Gay who likes to say Aw Semen. :O
She's dangerous. Beware! Hahahaha!
Ha ha ha! I own you k.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I think commiting suicide by jumping down the MRT track is plain stupid.
Imagine the incovenience caused to the people who have to board the train to reach their destination.
If you want to die, choose a method which will not affect everyone.
And did you think about the amount of blood you will lose if the train didn't stop and crash into you?
Or if that's what you want, there are other advanced methods of dying.
Like overdose.
It's painless and no blood will be lost.
But if the method fails, your family has to bear the hospital bills and I have no idea what you'd feel because I have not experienced an overdose before.
But please, if you want to die, do not jump down the MRT track.
I simply could not imagine, neither do I want too.
It is not entirely your fault,
I know you might be facing problems but,
why would you want to end your life?
Unless you really have nowhere to go and you are in a really bad situation.
Although I can't think of 1 right now.
But when there's a will, there's a way.
Well, the reason why Elaine, Hui Tien, Xin Ping and I were late for training today was because of the situation I stated above; someone jumped down the MRT track.
Resulting in; we could not take the MRT to school.
So we had to take the bus to Yishun Interchange, and then take another bus to Yio Chu Kang Interchange.
It was a total waste of time.
Not to mention money.
I do not wish to elaborate on what happened during training because I am tired and I wish to take a shower.I love my teammates.
Copied and pasted from Joey's blog. I am extremely tired and depressed so I do not wish to blog.
I feel seriously hurt man. Will you all miss me if I suddenly died?
Friday, October 10, 2008

Yay! Hahahaha! I can do it lehhhhhhhhhhh!
I also changed my blogskin.
Anyway I went to have a haircut today.
Don't ask me how's it.
One second I think its fab, another second I think it looks like shitzxc.
Hahahaha! Joey & PingPong had their hair cut too! xD
Joey's new hairstyle is chio man! Looks damn good on her.
Thank me Joey :)
Happy 1st monthsary with Ezra. Ha ha.
There goes my plan for long hair. Cutcutcut so short now ;X
I miss halfbutt k. ;(
Can't even contact my friend to ask him/her out!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I sleep until 12 noon! HAHAHAH! :D
Then went out at 3 plusplusplus :)
Waited for Ellie and Xinping for like twenty min lah! ;(
They were super late!
Watched House Bunny! Funny show :D
&Many guys went to watched it, 'cos the girl is sexyyyy. Hahahaha!
Walked around and played! Home at 7plusplusplus! :)
I miss half butt ;(
&&&&&&&My mum got a new lappy! Which means we all can use the comp 24/7 alr!
HA HA HA!!! ;D
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Dear Faith:
I don't really know how to tell you this, but I'm in love with your sister. I think I realized it First of May with George Bush and his wife and I saw you sit on my mustard souffle. I'm sure you're senile enough to understand that i did a sex-change. I'm returning the cut toenails to you but I'll keep your neighbour Martin as a memory. You should know that I will tell the authorities about eggplant-fetishism.
Greetings to your freaky family,
So many great days! :D Hahhaha!
Today I had Art exam.
It was ok :D
Andand I also shared my feelings about many many things with Joey & Mummy! :D
Hahahahha! With Joey it was about death and destiny and love blah.(half hr talk!)
With Mummy it was about I think that she need to relax and stop holding on to me!
Don't restrict me etc. Then I ask her ' If until now you still don't want let go, then when? When am I old enough?' She say ' You are my child, always my little baby, of course I never want to let go, but a few month ago, I learn already. Now I can see changes in you.'
So sweeeeeeeeeeeeet right! Love her! (:
Then I tell Joey ' If I wanna kill myself right, I take the overdose path. No jumping for me. HAHA'
'Cos its too scary to think if jump, or what, don't die how? Lol! :D
Went to bbt after sch! Met a new friend! Name's Kylie Yun. Hahahahaha! Damn cute!
Then we played volleyballlllllllllll! Energy-ful man! After so long of not playing.
Happy like crazy. Until just, when I found out something stupid.
Which is not going to affect my happy time. :DDDDDDDDDD
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I was in a ffffffffabbbbulous mood! :D
No lah, I didn't finish my Chinese paper (HA HA)
I even write the answer on the wrong question number! HAHAH!
Pro right! :D But in the end, I changed the question number :D
After exams, went home with Ellie & XinPing! :DDD
We teach Ellie to play ball! xD Then we also went to fitness corner to train!
HAHAHAH! :D Fun mannnnnnnn! K then went backed and talked many secret! :D
We have bonded. Lol! :D
(XinPing left her EzLink at my house! Lol!)
Today :
Before the paper start, Mr Wang say ' There should be the F&N paper, and the D&T paper'
Then Wing Lam ask me ' Huh, where got F&N, our paper write Home Economics leh! '
HAHAHHAHAHA damn funny I tell you! Then I purposedly disturb Mr Wang
' Uh Mr Wang, we don't have the F&N paper, this paper write Home Economics leh, how?? '
Hahahhahahahah! Then he was stun! :D So fun!
Blahblah, I didn't know how to do a few question, so I anyhow wrote
' Symptoms of Dehydration : You will feel retarded '
Hahahahahah! But at least I finish all ok! :D Happy happy.
After that me, Ellie & Xinping went to Causewayyyyy! :D Hahahhaah!
We had a superrrrrrrrr fun time! Spent a few hour there you know! :D
Yay. :D
Today was a fun day indeed. Hahahahahah!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Can you believe it?!
Actually I'm a nerddddddddddd (:
I like nerds.Like Joey.
And I'm trying to talk like Joey.
How nice :)
I'm your disciple! :D
Her english is purr-fect!
May I 'haolian' awhile, my English score better then her! :D
Well, we had our Math paper today.
It was horrible! I didn't finish the paper.
Duh. S
o far the exams are nearly over and I've only completed
the English paper out of all the papers I had taken already?
So pathetic right.
Oh well, since it's over, there's nothing I can do about it :/
Of course I wasn't in a good mood.
Unlike somebody who finished the paper and was smiling all the way.
!#$%^&*So unfair!
But no one to blame but myself lah, since I didn't study until last minute.
Think can like PSLE is it, last minute study then all A eh!
No lah, secondary school exams are even harder then PSLE!
After school Mrs Lau told me that I failed my Geography overall.
I scored like, 49.7%? 0.3% more only!
So I went to Macs to do my newspaper articles.
Managed to complete only 2!
Am I a noob or what.
From 11am to 1pm I did only 2!
Somemore with the help of XinPing!
Wong Xin Ping is my lovely partner.
More than just a partner to me! :D
Somebody that I can rely on,
not only on-court, but off-court too!
Someone who accompany me when I'm lonely.
Someone who listen to me when I got problems.
I love her alotalotalotalot
and I know she love me too! :D
p/s I'm practicing gooooooooood English! 1 week only lah, bear with it!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
yeah right. i was trying to sound wise. like joey.
HA HA too bad i ran out of smart things to say.
todays science paper was soso.
actually it isnt hard but the section c, we supposed to choose 4 out of 5 qsn,
i only did 3. cos i dunno how to do 2 out of the 5! HAHAHA! ;D
so 10 marks gone
but i dont feel sad at all!!! :D
cos i did my best leh! proud of myself
but i will fail. :)
heard tht 2 ppl failed geog in our class
but 1 out of 2 will be me. cos i lost 20+ marks on wht i didnt do.
HA HA! not even counting wht i anyhow did!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
can say that im feeling less angry today! ;D
no lah, actually is NOT ANGRY AT ALL already !
not b'cos the person that im angry at has make me not angry,
but b'cos today is a nicer day ;D
so i shall be happy!
alot of interesting things happen yesterday!
i shall go study sooooooooooooooooon!